Weekend Filler 1 [Maki and Kokichi]

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[The next three chapters including this one will be more on the filler side, just taking a break from the main plot. You don't have to read these next ones if you don't want to, but it'd be cool if you did.]

Maki was doing some last minute preparations. She was glad that Kokichi was going to be spending time with her. He had really come a long way from when they'd first met.

Kokichi was locking up his door, ready to head over to Maki's house. He glanced around, worried that Shuichi might be watching. He didn't feel any eyes on him, though.

As he walked, he noticed that the sky was full of gray clouds. "I better hurry, or it's gonna-" Inturrupted his thoughts, the clouds decided it was a great time to start raining. "...rain." Kokichi sighed, and kept walking to Maki's house.

Maki glanced outside. "The poor thing... I wish I had played attention to the weather." She quickly went to go grab a towel, so that Kokichi would be able to dry himself off when he arrived.

Soaking wet, Kokichi stood on her doorstep. He knocked as hard as he could. Maki opened the door as quickly as she could. "Oh! You're all wet. Here, I've got a towel in here." She said, gesturing Kokichi to come inside. Kokichi came in, and Maki handed him a towel and shut the door.

Shivering, he dried himself off as best he could before handing the towel back to her. "I'm really sorry, Kokichi! I had no idea that it was going to rain." She apologized. "N-no, it's ok. D-don't a-apologize." Kokichi insisted. He cautiously took a glance out the doors window. "Hm? What's wrong?" Maki asked. "O-oh... it's n-nothing... it's just... Shuichi has has-been following me f-for the past year.... I'm worried he's f-following me again t-today." He stammered. "Wait, what? He's been...? But I thought Kaede said they were going to hang out today...." Her voice trailed off. She frowned, and locked the door.

After locking the door, she turned to Kokichi with a warm smile. "Let's not worry about that right now, ok? I've got good locks. Instead of worrying, let's go figure out what we're gonna do together." She said. Kokichi nodded, eager for a distraction. He followed her closely down the hall to her living room. "Ta-da!" She exclaimed, showing off the room. It had neat piles of movies on the coffee table, along with popcorn. The couches looked soft, with even softer looking blankets. She picked up two movies.

"Alright! Which one do you wanna watch? This one," She lifted up one of them. "Is a comedy. This other one," she lifted up the other. "Is a romantic movie. Which one do you wanna watch?" She asked. "Hm... l-let's watch both." Kokichi said. They had the whole day to hang out. Maki nodded. "Alright. You go pick a side on the couch." She directed, and walked over to the TV to get everything started. Kokichi picked the side that was closest to the window.

"Feel free to grab a bag of popcorn while I get this ready, ok?" Maki said. Kokichi nodded, and grabbed one. The popcorn was freshly made, and had just about the right amount of salt and butter.

Maki finished setting up the movie, and walked back to the couch as it began to play. She had turned on the romantic one as the first one they were going to watch. She sat on the opposite side of the couch, wrapped herself in a blanket, then grabbed a bag of popcorn. "Aren't you going to use a blanket?" She asked. Kokichi nodded, and wrapped up in one. He layed down, using Maki's lap as a pillow.

Maki hadn't been expecting Kokichi to lay on her lap, but it would be ok. Maybe.

Eventually, the day turned to night and Maki passed out. Kokichi woke up
around midnight, and realized that he needed to get home. He quietly left Maki's house, and headed home.


Words: 685

[Thx for reading. I'm currently trying to wrap up this fic and get to work on a surprise.....]

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