'I-I had a dr-dream. I was sat down with you and-and someone knocked on the door. It was my mum and Austin. They where going to take me back to England, they threw me over there shoulder and I yelled for you so help. But you didn't. You just stood there!' I sobbed. He hushed me and stroked my hair.

'What where you yelling?' He asked.

'I told Austin to get off me. The I called for you to help. Why?' I asked.

'You where yelling that at me. I thought you where yelling for me to get off you. And that you wanted me to let go off you, so I took my arms for around your waist. And then you yelled your help. You where kicking and punching me-'

'I was kicking Austin to try and get out of his grip.' I told him. 'I'm really sorry. I-I didn't mean to h-hurt you!' I wailed. He pulled me close and I snuggled down with him.

I didn't sleep again that night I was too scared to hurt him again. I let Jesse sleep though. I was starting to feel a little ill.

Jesse woke up when the alarm went off at six. He looked at me. He went from smiling to looking worried. I felt ill. My head was aching, I felt sick and I kept feeling a little dizzy.

'Are you okay? Your really pale and you have bags under your eyes.' The worry in his voice was ovbiouse. I nodded and stood up walking toward my closet to get really for school. The minute I stood up I regreted it. I fell back, luckily Jesse was there to catch me. Things began to go black.

I woke up a while later. My eyes opened slowly, I was in my room. In my bed. I looked around the room, I was alone. Where did Jesse go? I looked at the clock, it was 9:45! I tried standing up but I felt too dizzy. I tried again, I did it but I had to steady myself. I wondered down the stairs.


'Language control!' Christophers voice was stern.

'Jesse your already late. Get off to school.' Libbys voice got angrier with every word. I walked into the kitchen and they all stood still, watching me.

'Hi.' I said sheepishly. I made my way over to Jesse. I wobbled on my feet a little.

'What are you doing out of bed. You'll hurt yourself.' Jesse told me. His voice full of compassion. He wrapped his arms around me. I really wanted Jesse to stay home with me. But he need to go to school. I'm going to be selfish.

'Jesse I feel a little-' I colapsed. Fake of course. Jesse caught me in his arms and pulled me close.

'Eden?' Everybody called my name. Jesse picked me up bridal style.

'Since your late anyway. You might aswell stay home and look after her. Me and your mother have work anyway. Take her into the living room and let her rest.' Christopher spoke.

'That her your refuring to has a name. Her name is Eden.' My eyes where opened slightly, so I could peak through my eyelashes. I saw Jesse nose flare. He took a little sigh and took me into the livingroom. He laided me on the couch. I opened my eyes and winked at him. Jesse let out a little laugh.

'Okay we're off to work. Good bye darling. Make sure shes okay.' Libby spoke quietly before leaving. Jesse sat at the back of me and I cuddled him. Our bodies where close. His touch made my skin burn and ache for him. I loved him with all my heart. I wanted him.

'So your birthday is in a month.' Jesse said starting the convosation.

'Yeah. Excatly one month from today. I'll be seventeen.'

'You'll be old.'

'I'll be older. And I'm like a few months older than you.' I slapped his chest. Not hard, 'Oh, I forgot ... about hitting you this mo-' I was cut off when Jesse's lips met mine. I kissed back. He has such soft lips, he tasted nice too. I licked the bottom of his lip and he happily let my tongue in. My tongue went wild exploring his mouth. Our tongues dancing with each other. The world began spinning again and I had to pull away. I didn't want to. I really didn't.

'I feel dizzy. Again.' I told him. I was a little breathless.

'Come on we need to get you to bed.' I couldn't help but let out a gighle.

'What do you intend to do with me whilst I'm bed. Have your way with me?' I said in a posh british accent. He let out a chuckle. He picked me up again and walked over to the lift.

'If thats what you want.' He said wiggling his brows. I burst out lauging.

'Jesse Bolton you are such a perve!' I giggled. Instead of going to to my room he took me to the games room. The first time ... We met properly. I looked at Jesse. He had a smirk on his face,I could tell he was thinking the same thing.

'Bet I can beat you ass at Mario Kart... Again' I said. Jesse set me on the couch and grabbed two wii remotes.

'First to win three cups?'

'What do I get if I win?' I asked

'I'll make you a double cheese burger,' I nodded eagerly. 'And if I win I get a kiss.'

'Deal.' We shook hands before yelling


Lets just say Jesse isn't very good at Mario kart compared to me.

'Shit! How did you win, with Peach?' He asked. I couldn't help but laugh.

'You shouldn't be a shit driver then. How do you have a lisence?' I asked. Jesse started to tickle me, I giggled and gasped for air. I didn't get my cheese buger. I black out again so we just laid in bed for a few hours.

I felt bad for Jesse, he had to stay here all day, whilst I slipped in and out of consiousness. He said he was okay with it, but I still felt bad. 

My life with the Bolton BoysWhere stories live. Discover now