51: Faith and Trust

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Interrupting, Paige crossed her arms over her chest, "I already know this."

"I didn't tell you everything and exactly how it happened."

Paige could only shake her head, "Of course."

"Peter had never left with Derek." Maggie admits to her, completely ignoring the tone in her niece's voice, "He stayed behind and had been the one to show me that werewolves were real, not Talia."

Peter quickly rushes over and catches Maggie as she faints, "Damn it, this is why I said to sit down..."

Phoebe could only give Peter a rather dirty look, in which Talia sighs, "Phoebe, as much as I love your sister, it was right for Peter to just show her. She's as stubborn as an ox. It would take us days to get her to believe us with just words. Far more simple if we show her."

"And you did." Phoebe points out calmly to her passed out sister, "And she fainted."

"Honestly, I've been thinking about telling her for months." Peter informs them all as he brushes some of Maggie's hair behind her ear, his eyes trained on her face.

Maggie shot up at his touch and almost rammed into him, "Whoa, whoa! You-you're face-"

Phoebe felt her head throb a little bit, "Maggie, no shouting, I just gave birth."

Totally bypassing her words, she just pointed at her sister, "You knew all along? About-about that-" She instantly raised her palms up, "No offense."

Peter scoffed with an eye roll, "Not exactly the rudest thing you've said to me."

Phoebe glanced over at her best friend, "Talia only told me when we were seniors."

"In college or high school?"

"High school."

"Okay, so what?" Paige huffs as she moves to the kitchen table to actually sit down, since she kind of felt like dropping, "Peter was there? Mind getting to your point?"

"Okay, as much as I love learning that my boyfriend is a werewolf. Where are you going with this?" Maggie demands from her sister, "Is my niece a freaking werewolf? Are you a werewolf? Were you bitten by one of them so your uterus could heal or something? That would make a lot of sense since you weren't supposed to have kids-"

"Margaret." Andre cuts her off slowly and calmly, which made her head shoot over to look at him, "You need to take a moment to breathe. And, please, sit down this time."

This time, Maggie didn't hesitate to sit down. She didn't really want to faint again. She plopped down in the chair across from the bed. Phoebe glanced over to her husband and handed their baby to Talia.

"I can't have kids."

"Uh..." Maggie glanced right over at the baby and then at her sister, "I beg to differ."

"If you look at my x-rays, Paige should be impossible." Phoebe spoke softly to her sister as she shifted a bit in the bed, "I am incapable of conceiving a child. No matter how much I wanted a child. I was told it wasn't possible."

"I remember..." She mumbles while playing with her fingers, "You were devastated when you came home from you OBGYN."

Andre sat on the side of the bed beside his wife and gave her a kiss on the head, wrapping an arm loving around her shoulders, "And I told Phoebe that as long as we loved each other, it was okay that we didn't have a kid."

Maggie could only smile since her sister really had a fairy tale romance with her husband. It was kind of gross and a cliche at times, but who didn't truly crave romantic cliches in their life, "But you guys had Paige."

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