Chapter 2 Making The Grab

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It was the day of the reward ceremony for the heroes of the two wars and it was on this day she would act, but she had to put some important things in place.
Firstly, she summoned the Fates asking them to assist her in altering Perseus's fate as she suspected that Poseidon was going to do something stupid along the lines of disowning Percy, if Hecate's warning was correct.
Secondly, she summoned Pontus and Thalassa his wife, primordials of the Seas, requesting him to claim Perseus as his son with both of them as mothers. All were skeptical but agreed, as they wanted to see the drama that eventually play out as a result of her actions. That in place, all she had to do was wait until the ceremony. As for the Fates and Pontus they hid in the shadows awaiting Hera's move, afterwards they would make their own. At the same time Hestia and Zeus overhead the plan, deciding to join in on it.
Hestia because he was her favorite demi-god who showed her immense respect, giving her hope to hold during the second Titan war. They shared a mother-child relationship, so him being her son for real would be an added bonus.
He guaranteed thrones for herself and Hades with his wish. He also convinced the gods to claim at age twelve. Simply put, he advanced her domain of family and home, so he had to be her son
Oddly, the next person was Zeus.
He saw many changes in his wife. She now had a bounce in her step.
She greeted/treated him cordially and not with contempt.
She now constantly had a bright smile on her face such that there were no frown lines at all. But more importantly, she completely ignored him whenever he went out for his trysts, plus she no longer cared if he had children out of wedlock.
His curiosity overwhelmed his indifference to her sudden change in behavior. He found that she had taken to watching the daily lives of the demi-gods in Camp Olympus, particularly his nephew Perseus.
Thus, he no longer went out for his rendezvous with Mortal women, as it became a day to day tradition for the two of them to watch Perseus.
Slowly he had grown to love him and saw him as his own son, hence he joined his wife in adopting the boy. He knew Hestia was thinking the same thing, hopefully Poseidon would not be mad at them. Therefore, they too hid themselves in the shadows while waiting for Hera.
By 7:00pm(Mortal time) the fated event that would change everything was underway as gods, minor gods, demi-gods, satyrs and nature spirits filed into the Olympian throne room.

The Rewards:
Thalia Grace became a Minor goddess of the Hunt, Lightening, Winds, Law and Justice.
Jason Grace became a Minor god of Lightening, Winds, Law, Clouds and Justice.
Piper McLauren became a Minor goddess of Love, Beauty and Desire alongside Silena Boureguard.
Leo Valdez and Charles Bekendorf became Minor gods of fire and forge.
Reyna Ramirez, Hylia Ramirez, Frank Zhang and Clarisse le rue became Minor gods of war
Note: Hylia and Reyna were adopted by Mars after Bellona voluntarily faded. Her domain was given to Mars. Again, Hylia Ramirez was also a patron goddess to the Amazons being an Amazon herself.
Nico di Angelo, Bianca di Angelo and Hazel Levesque became Minor gods of the Shadows, ghosts, Jewels/Underworld.
Zoe Nightshade was pardoned by Zeus for her father's crimes, given partial immortality in exchange for her continued service to Olympus under Artemis, rejoining the Hunt soon after. All hunters were given partial immortality. While Luke was given a memorial for his bravery on Olympus.
Annabeth  Chase became a Minor goddess of Architecture and strategic warfare(her mother opted not to gift the domain of wisdom for fear that her fatal flaw of hubris would clash with it though she increased it sufficiently, surpassing what she had as a demi-goddess. Instead her half-brother Malcolm Ford was gifted it as he was more level-headed than her).
All that remained were Maxwell Altair, a son of Poseidon and Victoria Altair(a legacy of Mars) and Percy Jackson. Maxwell was made a Minor god of the Sea, something that should have been given to Percy first by right.
The Questers were angry at this but held their tongues after being requested not to show their anger by Hestia.
The next part was the part Hera dreaded, knowing what was going to happen, Poseidon was going to disown Percy which was she would not ever allow. Sadly, she could not speak up on Hecate's warning because she still doubted that it would happen.
Poseidon spoke up, confirming her worse fears.
"Before all of Olympus, I Poseidon, god of the Seas this day disown Perseus Achilles Jackson as my son; let the powers of the Seas be removed from him, let him be turned Mortal". He shot a light beam at him to drain him of the powers thus rendering him human.
The Fates and Pontus, Hestia and Zeus did not need to be told twice that it the time to act. The
Fates chanted reversing Poseidon's proclamation, surprisingly they did not need to do much. The Sea itself refused to lose it's son, as such Poseidon was blasted back into his throne.
Pontus at once claimed him as his son followed by Hestia, Hera and then Zeus as they channeled their powers into him.
Note: when the beam hit him, he glowed brightly rather than dimming to show the changes.
The Fates came forward to announce Percy's new status as follows:
All hail Perseus Achilles Jackson, Minor god of:
1. Seas
2. Hunt
4. Wind
5. Earth
6. Time
7. Light
8. Beauty
9. Love
10. Desire
11. Healing
12. Wisdom
13. Law
14. Justice
15. Family
16. Seasons/Vegetation
17. Strategic Warfare
18. Foresight
19. Speed
20. Travel, thieves, messengers, boundaries
21. Heroes/quests
22. Protection
23. Swordsmanship
24. Music
25. Hope/Peace
26. Wine
27. Lightening
28. Fate
29. Dreams/Illusions
30. Discord
31.  Revenge
32. Shadows
33. Darkness
34. Death/life
35. Pit
36. Destruction
37. Creation
38. Plague
39. Horses
40. Jewels
42. Ice & Snow
43. Oaths
Son of Pontus, Zeus, Chaos(later in the future), Hera, Hestia, former son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson.  The Fifteenth Olympian. As an addition to that, they that the Ancient laws preventing them from being with and assisting their children were removed effective immediately, but they were warned that the children of their different aspects were prohibited from attacking each other aggressively except in training or if the reason was sufficient enough such as stating an unresolved grievance done which if not answered peacefully would be resolved via a Trial By Combat to be supervised by Chiron, Athena, Apollo, Artemis and Mars with the winner being declared the truthful one, if not as a penalty they would forfeit their status as demi-gods for at least a year or forever depending on the severity of the transgression.
With a silent nod of appreciation, Percy left the throne room. Everyone else was stunned, he had just become a god, he had more domains than the others; shockingly he had more than one parent now.
Perseus Achilles Jackson was special.
Little did they know that, would be the last time they would lay their eyes on him for a long time.

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