Another Phase Begins, It Is Never Truly The End

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The war was over, Order had finally been defeated and everything was peaceful. Currently the Olympians were having a party to celebrate the defeat of Order.
On the other hand, Percy was with his wives asleep in his palace/temple while the party went on outside in the Olympian throne room.
His parents had taken the kids for the weekend telling him to spend time together with his wives especially Calypso since they did not spend time together before the war, and on their orders the couples were not to be disturbed with anything. That was how they got here, all six of them surrounding him. Note: You guys can imagine their placements, as I will not tell you.

If they never told you that "gods never had dreams", then that would be a lie because they do just like demi-gods and considering that dreams is one of his domains, Percy had a dream.

Dream World
He found himself back on the battlefield, he saw Order begging Chaos to send him to the void as he did at the end of the war. Initially except for Order begging Chaos to send him to the void he did not hear anything, but now he heard the words "That was the only place where End could not breach or take over"
He also told Chaos that once he had deserted her, End captured and brainwashed him to be her pawn. Thus, when he fought Percy the spell began to break, furthermore this war had finally broken the spell as the level of power combined was much for it. As such, since he had gained his freedom thanks to them, he rather be an eternal prisoner in the void than be ends End's puppet again no matter the amount of power she offered. Afterwards, Chaos sent him as he had requested. For him he had a genuine smile on his face, he could rest now as he was free.
As a parting gift, he warned them that End was coming. She had been watching the entire thing. This war was meant to pave the way for her coming as they were supposed to be weakened or worse powerless as a result of it. However, by winning this war outright, to stay her coming for at least ten years.
Lastly, he told Chaos to tell Percy to watch his back as End had taken an obsessive interest in him, to her he would make the perfect weapon or if she desired it, the perfect spouse.

Then he woke up. He had a look of horror in eyes, his pounded fast with four beats in a second, cold sweat poured from him drenching his clothes, his stomach was in a tight knot; luckily for him he had not eaten yet.
Flashing out of bed while not waking his ladies, he silently thanked Hypnos that they were all in a deep sleep. He put on some clothes, blue jeans, an orange T-shirt bearing a Sea green Trident in front, a navy blue jacket and a pair of Adidas shoes(preferring to do so manually to remind himself of his humanity).
Stepping out of the room he walked into the garden sitting on a bench in an area by daffodils and roses.
In the quiet of the night, in the air that was slightly chilly but not biting, he realised what the dream meant:
Order had foretold what would happen in the future. End was angry that she had lost, End was coming for him.
The question now was, would he be ready to face her?
Another Primordial was rising but she was not coming for Olympus, she was coming for him, what could this mean for Olympus?
He would be the one that that caused the final downfall of Olympus?
As these frightening thoughts ran through his head, he realized that he could not hide this revelation from the rest of his family members as his trait of loyalty would never allow it.
In other words, they would have to know about it immediately.
Steeling his nerves, he set himself to tell them.
Though first of all, he sought counsel with the Fates. They in turn provided him with two possible options.
He went to the Olympian throne room where he found the gods discussing their domains. He approached Zeus's throne he whispered in his ear telling him his dream and asking him to summon a meeting of the gods both major and minor.

A while later
The throne room was filled, everyone including Percy's wives, having received Zeus's summon.
Satisfied, Perseus reiterated his dream to them saying that End was coming in 10 years time but importantly she was coming for him to either turn him into the ultimate weapon against them or make him her spouse.
The only solution according to him as told him by the Fates was:
1. Going to Alaska to hide and breaking all contact for some time
2. Leaving Earth and going to seek refuge in the void for an undetermined amount of time while he trained himself for the assigned amount of time there to counter her.
Personally speaking, he chose the second option clearly not wanting to anyone else in harm's way in case he failed.
However, nobody present in the room entertained that thought at all, telling him that they have would not have him disappearing on them again no matter how good intentioned the reason was. Threats pertaining to throwing him into Tartarus if he made a move on any of those options flew around the room especially from the big three, to emphasize their seriousness on the issue, Hades opened up a hole while Hephaestus conjured chains. Poseidon had his Trident levelled, Zeus was stone faced but you tell he too was angry at the thought, he gripped the master bolt in his right hand characteristic of his old self who was ready to strike down his enemies at the slightest provocation. All of them with burning fury in their respective eyes at the suggestion, daring him to take a step.
Seeing their resolve, Percy had to back down and keep quiet.
Zeus after calming down way before his brothers did, called the meeting to order. Eventually, that another day would be taken to consider the matter carefully. In addition, Percy was restrained from making any decision on the matter until it was decided to prevent him from doing anything rash. Then Percy left the throne room back to his abode.
In his absence, further directive was given that he be kept under watch at all times to ensure that he abided by the Council's decision.
In truth though they were harsh on him, they understood his fears even if he did not say anything out loud. He had been part of three prophecies(the third one just finished) which put Olympus along with the mortal world in grave peril, hence he had every right to be afraid if a fourth one was the horizon.
Despite this, they believed that he would find a way to prevail as he always did, all they needed to do was light that fire again.
Meanwhile on his own, Zeus resolved to talk to Percy to kick-start the process.

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