Part 18: Confrontation Part 1

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Percy had been discharged from the hospital by Asclepius after a two week period of complete bed rest but he was still confined to Olympus so that he could be properly monitored. As part of the rules he was to follow he could resume his normal duties, though he would have to be escorted by an Olympian whenever he wanted to leave Olympus so that they could bring him back at once if there an emergency.
His current direct family members alongside Artemis younger generation of hunters and the older ones who were his bodyguards had stayed by his side through the two week period.
Now, he was going to check on his domain of Heroes, Athena saw this opportunity as her chance to spend time with him by being the one to escort him, plus as an added bonus she would finally introduce his daughter Nora Jackson to him. In other words, she would get him to bless her with his full blessing thereby adding the finishing touch to her plan. Although she hated putting their "daughter" in danger again, this was necessary if her desire would be fulfilled and subsequently become a reality. At this point, it was "all or nothing" as everything hinged on this plan succeeding.

The Plan

Note: I do not know many locations in New York nor am I a New Yorker, however, l love that city or many locations in the story itself, so I might add random locations I like so bear with me.

She teleported Nora to a dense forest somewhere in New York precisely Blue Mountain forest in Essex, Hamilton county, New York.

There she set a band of Monsters on her numbering about 70 of which she was able to kill about 20 single-handedly before the rest 50 decided to gang up on her by swarming her after cornering her by a river. So, it was either of two things, either she would die by drowning or by the hands of the monsters.
With no other option left at her disposal, she uttered a prayer for help. On Olympus Athena heard it hoping that Percy heard and would act. Percy heard it and the domain of Heroes being one of his domains he had to act, plus as per Asclepius instructions Athena escorted him there in order to ensure that he did not overexert himself. Also as part of further instructions by Asclepius to prevent overexertion, he was only to deal with a minimum of one domain and a maximum of two domains at a time until he was fully healed up.
He saw that she could not control water, hence the only option was to give her his full blessing to enable her breathe underwater in case she fell in and control the water to defeat her enemies and also heal herself in the event of incurring any injuries. Thus, he shot a beam of energy that surrounded her in a Sea green light which was then first absorbed and exploded outwards taking the enemy around her with it.
Athena immediately took him back to Olympus to allow Nora practice controlling the water without him interfering, although she marked that spot so that when it was time for the grand reveal it would be here, somewhere far away from humans, so that if things escalated, there would be no serious damage.

A Week Later

Artemis was teaching Selene to hunt coupled with her other powers in the Blue Mountain forest when they(mostly Selene) spotted a child who strangely behaved like Athena and what more had her height and bodily build but was a spitting image of Perseus Achilles Jackson and fought like him.
Note: Selene had already seen pictures of her father that is why she knows what he looks like.
Curious, she approached her and asked to spar.
Note: Forgive me please I am not good at describing fighting scenes, so I may tend to repeat.
She agreed. They began by sizing up each other. Nora in typical Athena fashion waited for Selene to make the first move. Soon it became a synchronized dance of hacking, slashing, parring, rolling, dodging, jumping, smashing, diving etc.
They were evenly matched in terms of skill as they found out at the end of the bout.
The second stage dealt with a test of powers, but before they could do so, they were rudely interrupted by monsters, rather than be upset about the sudden interruption of their match, they grinned mischievously as if they had suddenly stumbled upon a candy buffet on which they would binge. Their eyes together promised a load of pain and a slow agonizing torture for the new enemies. Simultaneously, they cracked their knuckles in anticipation.
Selene drew her bow(though she was proficient in the use of a sword alongside other weapons thanks to her father's domains), while Nora produced her sword and shield(same goes for Nora, their personal handmade armour swiftly covered them. In their attacks it was headshots and decapitation with such speed that would make Hermes proud.
Soon it became a competition for the most kills between the two of them ending in a tie of 1000 monsters each and the painful death of the Minotaur by being sliced into two by two Minor goddesses What was left of him were just his two horns. Both agreed to each take a piece of the Minotaur's horn as a trophy.
Note: I guess it was just the Minotaur's recurring bad luck that he was always the leader.

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