Part 19: Confrontation Part II

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From her Palace in Olympus Aphrodite watched the heartwarming scene, Percy did not react adversely instead he accepted it wholeheartedly just as she expected. He had a big heart.
However, despite feeling happiness for him at the new additions to his growing family, she also felt jealousy as she was now the only one left out, thankfully for his sake and her own it was not extreme.
If there was one thing Aphrodite hated, it was being left out of anything that involved her family. The result of Paris judgment was solid proof of that, she gave him the most beautiful woman in the world at that time, Helen as his reward for judging her the most beautiful in a contest amongst Hera, Athena and herself. Once again as before, she would not be counted last.

The plan

Note: this occurs the same day she is watching Perseus just some hours later. By then Perseus and his wives(new ones included)are calmly watching their children play target practice.

Taking some Myrtle flower essences, some Rose flower essences, some dove feathers, some sea foam and sea water, she mixed it with some mud into a paste from which she crafted ten statutes.
With a spell she secretly learned from Hecate, she brought them to life. All the girls wore Corinthian armour and carried swords and Tridents(made of Celestial Bronze, Atlantean silver, Titanium, Stygian Iron, Adamantine, Chaos metal, Chaos Silver, Imperial Gold, Silver and Mortal Steel) like their father. They looked like their father but had their mother's eyes and beautiful build.
They had a good mix of their parents abilities being able to:
1. Control water(as well as any other liquid)in all it's forms.
2. Breathe underwater
3. Heal themselves and others with water, they could also strengthen their muscles with water, giving them a high pain resistance level, endurance, agility, speed and superhuman strength.
4. Create and control storms
5. Teleport using water
6. Like their father and mother, they were skilled combatants
7. They had all their mother's abilities.

Note: After crafting them, she put them to sleep and placed them in a time bubble that converted hours to years which allowed her to age them up. She aged them to around ten years old so that they would be the same age Artemis, Diana and Athena's children.
Satisfied with her work, she gathered them to herself and teleported down to Percy's location, after all, she was not going to miss such a grand gathering, she was going to spice it up.

Back with the Jackson Family + Aphrodite's arrival with her squad

They were all enjoying the sunset and each other's company when they noticed a portal open directly in front of them. Out of it walked Aphrodite suited in gold Corinthian armour with a pink plume. Trailing behind her were ten girls dressed in the same attire. The new arrivals walked up to Percy and bowed down in respect while addressing him as "father".
For Aphrodite this would be the "defining moment", "her finest hour", it was now or never as everything she had planned led up to this.

Athena asked what they meant by "father" because of all of them she was absolutely sure he would not go to Aphrodite romantically for any reason at all even if she was the goddess of love except to seek advice.

Aphrodite there and then told everyone present that the ten girls with her were Percy's daughters by her, daring them to challenge her on the matter. Nobody did as they were too shocked to do so, apparently the surprises of the day just coming and coming.
Athena regained her composure and asked the question that was on their minds, why would she who was the embodiment of desire, who could absolutely any man at her beck and call and eating from her hand at any time, come after Percy?
To answer the question, Aphrodite admitted that she too had also fallen in love with Percy way more than she ever with any of her lovers mortal or immortal.
Astonishing them the more, she was Percy's first love interest long before he knew he was a demi-god.
Stunned by the new piece of news, they asked her to recount the tale of how they first met as well as their love story. Aphrodite smiled to herself.

Note: The ruse of Hephaestus being her husband still holds at this time but at this time he was not there.

Ares was once again pestering her I.e. Aphrodite to be his girlfriend, so she decided to leave Olympus for a bit to get away from him since Hephaestus was unable to come to her aid as he was busy repairing the Olympians armour.
She went into the mortal world, to the streets of Manhattan New York, precisely Central park, taking the form of a Six
year old girl and concealing her aura, as luck would have it with her dimmed down, Ares was unable to follow her.
The next step was to blend in, a six year old girl walking the environs of Central park at night would raise a lot of suspicion and she could not have people wagging their tongues right now because word travelled fast therefore she had to act quickly. Finding a young couple Sean and Clementine Briggs quietly sitting on a park bench talking in low tones and enjoying each other's company over ice cream, she used a compliance spell combined with the mist to convince them that she was their daughter Viola Briggs, before taking her place between them. Some time later, they took her home.
Coincidentally the Briggs family turned out to be neighbors to the Jackson family. Hence, she always observed Percy, seeing him stay underwater for prolonged periods of time, seeing him talk to the fish, seeing him talk to horses, seeing him heal himself with water whenever he was injured courtesy of Gabe Ugliano.

Thus, she was immediately able to determine that he was a demi-god son of Poseidon. She became his friend without revealing who she was at first, though she suspected he might know who she was since he could sense the power of the seas.
Therefore, she took a risk and told him that she was Aphrodite in disguise and to her relief he was not scared, rather he promised to keep the secret taking care not to address her by her real name in front of his parents except his mother(who already knew), her parents and in public. They always acted like a couple.
From that point she trained him until he mastered his powers, in fact she was there when he blew up against Gabe, watching with glee as he made Gabe punch himself repeatedly until he got a black eye and simultaneously break his own wrists and knees.
Note: The idea of Percy boiling his or anyone's blood though good does not suit me.

Mature Scene Ends

The above scene was after he to manhandle Sally, afterwards he learnt to mind his own business leaving them to themselves to avoid a repeat. Though he attempt insults here and there, this continued until he turned to stone.
They had their first date after he dealt with Nancy Bobofit, their second one after he defeated Alecto. But then she returned to Olympus.
The third date was when he recovered Ares shield.
Note: Here he did not find her scarf but he found her.
The fourth date was when he discovered that Luke Castellan was a traitor working for Kronos, in order to console him for the loss of his friend.
The fifth one was when he returned Zeus Master bolt and Hades Helm, however, they decided to slow down so as not to get into trouble with Zeus. They spent their last moment together for the time being, in each other's arms. This was farther than he had ever gone with the other goddesses except his wives at that time since the rest were just kisses.
Note: For each of the five times they went on a date they shared long drawn out kisses. Not forgetting that they almost lost themselves when he fought Ares(you know what I mean, still Percy checked himself).
She told him that in future his love life would not be easy, though eventually they would return to each other.
Flashback End.

By the time she was done, they could not say anything to counter her. All the while her smile remained. Also, she emphatically told them that she was done waiting and then on they would all be together as a family. No one said anything in rebuttal.

In a moment of genius, Athena pulled the castle Percy had built in his dream state from his mind.
This was where they would all stay as a family.

More surprises were in store for them on horizon. One more person was gunning for Percy and they did not see her coming.

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