Chapter Twenty-five: Broken Hearts make it Rain

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Surprise on-time update! 

Chapter twenty-five

The passenger door opened just as Lorenzo was about to give the order to Giovani to go after the small assassin.

  Nothing was said as Nadia lowered herself into the seat beside him. She sat, strapped herself in, and waited for Lorenzo to pull away from the sidewalk.

Thoughts were reeling in her head. Even if she wanted to, Nadia wasn't sure she'd be able to form any kind of sentence. At least, not a nice one. She still needed answers, and she knew there was only one person who would give them.

  When the car had remained stationary for a long time, Nadia looked at Lorenzo at last. His grey eyes were already watching her, waiting for an explanation but his chastising was cut short by the look on her face.

  She wore her indifference exceptionally well, but even her eyes seemed dead as she looked back at him. There was too much going on in her head, Lorenzo wouldn't get any information out of her until she was ready.

  One word, "Drive." The only word she could muster, completely devoid of emotion. So dead Lorenzo wasn't convinced it actually was Nadia who sat beside him. The mafia boss wasn't easy to unsettle, but the woman beside him never ceased to amaze.

  "Not until I know you're actually Nadia and not some freakish lifelike robot look-alike." Lorenzo half-joked.

  "Your comedy timing is impeccable, sir," Nadia commented formally, confusing Lorenzo further. "Now drive before I end up with a bullet in my head and you end up with brains on the inside of your favourite car."

  "Cazzo, Piccola," Lorenzo looked at her horrified.

  "Drive," she ordered again through gritted teeth.

  "No," Lorenzo refused.

  "I'm not being intentionally difficult Lorenzo," Nadia told him, her expression still remaining blank but her eyes fully focused on him at last. "I'm trying to process a lot of information all at once on top of watching out for someone who may or may not be out to attack us. I need you to drive me the fuck out of here so I can do both those things without losing my shit entirely."

"I'm not moving this fucking car until you explain to me what the hell happened," he growled back at her, his eyes burning but she wasn't truly looking at him, her mind was elsewhere.

  With her old boss. With Michael. With her brother.

  "My patience is wearing really thin, Piccola," Lorenzo warned.

  "Fuck Leo," she roared, "There's literally an imminent threat on your life and you're acting like you couldn't care less!"

  "There is always an imminent threat to my life Nadia. I'm a fucking mob boss."

  "So you keep reminding me," Nadia humphed, squeezing her head in frustration.

  "What. Happened." Lorenzo ground out.

  Nadia had just about enough bullshit for one evening. They were getting nowhere with this argument, literally, and the assassin really did need him to drive. She needed the open road to clear her head, not to mention Theo hadn't exactly been specific when he told her she had a head start, for all they knew, his sniper could have been set and seconds away from pulling the trigger.

  "There's going to be an attack in Chicago tomorrow," Nadia spoke without looking at him, "It's supposed to look like a rogue assassin attack but I've been assured it's Ivan. Either pull out of the shipment or send extra men to sweep the area."

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