Chapter Forty-Five: Beg.

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TW: mention of rape

Chapter forty-five

It didn't take long for all of the men to be dismissed after plans had been set out. A week and a half, right at the start of the new year. Anticipation was on the tips of everyone's tongues, the taste of a fight hanging above their heads energising the men, giving them purpose after the massacre they faced. Nadia was among them, ready for a fight. The only blood to be spilt from that moment on would be at her hands, she would make sure of it.

"Nadia," Lorenzo called out as she stood to leave, "A word."

Jade raised her eyebrows, her gaze darting between the pair in question. Nadia rolled her eyes, shoving the girl away, playfully. The blonde laughed.

"I'll catch up to you when we are done," Nadia told her, tugging her in for a quick embrace.

"Take your time," she brushed her off, "I can wait." Nadia wasn't so sure, but Jade was already winking at her and heading back to the infirmary to help Dr Martin with his rounds.

Nadia found herself leaning against the wall next to the door, staring down the table at Lorenzo as the final few men trickled out. Although her thoughts weren't really in him, her mind ticking over as she tried to figure out what was going on with her friend, she still noticed how his eyes never wavered from her form, trailing up and down her body. Finally her thoughts wavered as Lorenzo cocked a brow, noticing her lack of attention. The twitch of his eye told her he was trying to figure out her thoughts, no longer paying any attention to the men leaving.

The thunder that grew between them threatened to crack again, dragging Nadia away from her thoughts of Jade and filling her mind instead with memories of Lorenzo's hands on her sides, in her hair, gripping her thigh. A smirk appeared on his face as a light blush grew on her cheeks. His eyes trailed up and down her body once more, her heart thundering under such intense scrutiny from the mafia boss himself.

Nadia knew how she good looked, dressed simply in a pair of light wash jeans and a black tank top, a faded Iron Maiden album printed on the front. Especially to him, especially after the way she had left him that morning. The small assassin had finally gained back the muscle she had lost by the time they found her, filling her clothes nicely, no longer frail but strong. Deadly.

With the way Lorenzo's eyes followed her, she felt it, too.

Finally, the door closed, silence enveloping the space, leaving Nadia and Lorenzo completely alone. She smirked at him, watching him through dark lashes, daring him to move first. Leo stayed exactly where he was, face emotionless, eyebrow raised in challenge. With a single hand raised, Lorenzo pointed to his side, summoning her, a smirk growing on his face. A challenge.

It was Nadia's turn to raise a brow. He knew her well, she wasn't against a good challenge, especially from him, but he also knew just how to get her to cave. Unfortunately for him, so did she.

"I'm not a dog, Lorenzo," she batted her eyes at him, resting a hand against her hip, "you can't just summon me to your side. We've been over this before."

"I can't?" he mumbled, resting his hand against his chin smirking up at her, "Shame."

Nadia rolled her eyes, moving towards the cabinets and running a finger along the wood, teasing him with the swing of her hips in his direction. "What did you want to discuss, Leo?" She asked still refusing to look at him, taking in the fixtures on the walls.

The temptation to make her way over to him was too great. She craved to be held by him again, to feel his hands run up and down her body, feel his eyes on her, his lips on hers. The pull to one another has always been there but, since their first kiss, it had grown stronger and it was no longer possible to deny. Still, there was no way she would go to him, she was too stubborn for that. If he wanted her at his side, he would have to come to her. Nadia had a point to prove, and she loved rilling him up. 

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