35. Dad?

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Alex grumbled in her sitting position cradling her helm and gasped quickly getting to her peds bringing out her swords ready to attack Decep-

Alex: "huh?" She was on Cybertron but it was alive with no signs of life anywhere, the place basically looked brand spanking new, everything was peaceful and quiet with sparkling lights

Alex: "where am I?" she transformed her swords back to servos and stared at Cybertron in confusion, surely Cybertron was dead?

"My dear sparkling, it is saddening you joined the Allspark so soon" Alex tensed and turned around to face the voice so comforting and soft, she stared at the god she never thought she get the honour to meet

"My dear, come closer" her peds had a mind of their own and walked closer to Primus, she felt a familiar yet strange tug on her spark, she felt like she has met him before but when? Primus watched her, his spark bursted in excitement and love fina...

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"My dear, come closer" her peds had a mind of their own and walked closer to Primus, she felt a familiar yet strange tug on her spark, she felt like she has met him before but when? Primus watched her, his spark bursted in excitement and love finally seeing his sparkling but sadness his own creation joined the Allspark just as her journey begun. He used some power left in him and brought down his size to be the same height as her, his servo rested on her cheek rubbing it softly

Primus: "Oh my dear sparkling, I have missed you" she blinked not once but several times

Alex: "i'm sorry, what? Did I just hear you correctly? Did you just call me your sparkling? I'm from another dimension, you're not my sire" Primus chuckled from her slight shock and confused statement, he walked graciously and slowly leaving her behind but for her to follow

Alex: "Hey! You can't just say that and walk off!" she scowled catching up to him walking side by side

Primus: "It is true Alex, do you remember your mothers name?" she frowned

Alex: "Leah?" Primus spark fluttered hearing her name and then clenched, Leah was no longer alive

Primus: "Leah was my sparkmate that is how and when we had you" they walked through the silent yet peaceful landscape of Cybertron taking in its natural glowing beauty

Alex: "well, if you are my dad, why did you leave me when I was so young? Did I do something wrong?" Primus quickly shook his helm, he didn't want his sparkling thinking such ways

Primus: "goodness no, never think you were the problem my little Al. You and your mother were never the problem, I had no issues raising you, loving you and your mother, feeding you and doing everything a Sire would do" Alex gasped feeling a tug, like a powerful string attached to her spark but noticed her twins strings were gone- something she'd ask later

Alex: "So you came to the orginal dimension where fictions, games, books, films- all races- are created?" He nodded stopping next to a small energon fountain

Primus: "at first I had grown curious to your mothers home world, most of the humans were the same until I had found your mother, I couldn't resist her and I had to see her. That is where I met your mother, our love blossomed and I revealed my true form to her as she grew suspicious during her pregnancy carrying you" Alex smiled picturing her mother and Primus together, so loved up carrying her

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