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We arrived back at my house and we agreed that FP and Jughead would stay for a few more day after all we had the room. I went upstairs to my room to pack for the sleepover tomorrow - Veronica said we need a swimsuit or 2, normal clothes and we girls all had a parcel arriving at our houses soon which we needed to pack.

Sure enough there was a knock on the door so I ran downstairs and opened it to reveal Smithers. "Hello Miss Betty I have a special parcel from Miss Veronica for you so here you go," he said handing me the parcel. "Thanks Smithers," I said, closing the door and heading back upstairs. I opened my parcel and it was a pair of PJ'S I guess Veronica wants us to match or something. I packed them with all my other stuff and headed into Jughead's room.

(Jughead speaks like this and Betty like this)


Hey Betts

You packed?

Yeah you?


What was the special parcel all the girls get from Veronica?

Oh just something you'll see it at the sleepover

Oh ok

How about we finish that film off we still have like 1hrs 45mins

Yeah kk

We can watch it in my room

Yeah sure

*they head to Betty's room*

Jug come get comfy on my bed


Wait let's get some snacks


*they head downstairs for snacks and then come back up to Betty's room with snacks*

Press play Betts

*they finish the film and fall asleep together*

30 mins later ~
Alice's POV~

They kids were watching a film but they have been upstairs for a while pretty quiet so I'm wondering if they fell asleep.

"FP come upstairs a sec I think Betty and Jughead are asleep normally they cuddle while sleeping after watching a film." "Yeah let's look"

*they head upstairs ,see Betty and Jughead and take a picture*

@ mama.coop

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mama.coop: At it again. Movie and cuddles for them. Still just friends though. @ bettycoop @ jugjones
@ f.p.jones

@ v.lodge: I've said it once I'll say it again just friends my ass.

@ f.p.jones: my favourite just friends couple

@ keviiiiiiin: Yessss #bughead

@ fred.andrews: I wish my Archie wasn't such a player and would be this cute with a girl

@ pop_tate: awwww love these guys. free milkshakes for the parents,siblings and close friends of these two when they're officially togther.

@ pollycooper: My sis and her 'best friend' are so cute. @ pop_tate hell yeah

@ bombshell: Go guys.@ pop_ tate I'm here for that

@ topaz: Love it. @ pop_tate yes

Just friends~BugheadWhere stories live. Discover now