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2 weeks later ~

The past two weeks have been the same, every day we visit FP.

We walk up to the hospital and through the doors, the same white walls and clean smell. After a few minutes and with doctors permission we arrive at FP's room. Like normal Jughead goes in first while me and my mum sit and wait.

Jughead's POV ~

It's been two week. Two weeks. That's how long my dad has been in a coma. I walk into his hospital room and sit beside his bed. I believe he can hear me  despite being in a coma so I talk to him like normal.

" Hi dad it's me jughead again and let me tell you it has been a hard two weeks. Living in the Cooper house is hard, dad. I can barely hide my feeling for Betty any more so I need you to wake up and give me some advice. I like Betty, hell I might even love her and I really want to ask her out but if she doesn't feel the same way it'll ruin our friendship and I don't want our friendship to ever be ruined. I know you and Alice were best friends when you were younger like, Betty and I, then you dated and when you broke up you still remained best friends even now so what do I do dad?"

I sat there for a few minutes in hope of him waking up but he didn't. So I headed out of the room."Jughead,boi." I swiftly turned my head around to see my dad awake. "Hang on dad let me get a doctor," I said going outside and calling a doctor over. The doctor came and helped my dad out of the tubes and stuff before letting me back in. "Jug do something romantic and get your other friends to help you. Do you guys still have giant sleepovers?" He said and I nodded. "Well next one if them get the boys to help you and doing something romantic there dude.But now get Alice in here I'm about to owe her £50"

I rolled my eyes and shook my head, my own dad made a bet with ths girl I like's mum on if we are going to get together. Wow. Classic FP Jones.

Just friends~BugheadWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu