➼━━❥𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟒

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  The familiar voice caused him to shudder. He still wasn't ready for another encounter with her. The way she spoke to him yesterday made him feel uneasy.

  "Hinata-kun!" Kiyama said, jogging towards the orange haired boy. "Nice seeing you here! Would you like to walk to school together?" She asked.

  Hinata gripped the handles of his bike nervously. He wanted to get the note into (Y/N)'s locker quickly, but he also didn't want to be rude and disregard her request.

  "Uhm, I kinda need to get there really early for something so.. if you can keep up," He answered slightly picking up his speed on his bike. The girl beside him did too, but had questioning look on her face.

  "Why? You don't really do anything but go back to your homeroom?"

  "What?" The orange haired boy said in confusion, halting in his movements. "How did you know that?"

  "Wh.. I.. uhm.. I kinda travel around the school in the morning so... I travel by your classroom a lot..." Kiyama stuttered out, fiddling with her school uniform. Her pale green eyes adverted his, her's staring out the ground.

Hinata hummed before he peddled his way to school once more with Kiyama jogging by his side. They chatted together, mostly about school and volleyball.

Once the school came into view Hinata quickly hopped off his bike and began jogging towards the school bike rack. Kiyama happily waited for him at the school doors entrance. Her smile widened as she saw Hinata walking towards her.

"What is it that you needed to do? I can help if you would like," the light brown haired girl asked.

Even though the girl's intentions were sweet, it didn't make Hinata all that happy. He didn't want anyone fully knowing that it was him who gives (Y/N)'s those love notes. Having someone who is only an acquaintance to him, and knowing that he has immense feelings for someone, made him a little.. annoyed.

"No, it's fine," with that the orange haired boy walked away, not letting the girl have another chance to speak.

Kiyama watched the boy travel towards the many lockers, a frown placed on her face. With a sigh she turned the opposite way, her head down in thought. Soon a smile made its way onto her face once more as she looked back at where Hinata once was.

"Maybe next time..."



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With that Hinata lifted his head up from his desk and looked up to see sparkling (e/c) eyes staring right back at him.

"(Y/N)!" He answered back with the same amount of enthusiasm.

  "Lookie! I got another one!" She said childishly with a bright smile, holding up a slightly crumbled folded piece of paper.

  Hinata chuckled at (Y/N)'s face. The way her smile lifted her cheeks upwards. The way her eyes gleamed with delight when she showed him what she got. It all made him feel giddy.

  Giddy to know he was the one who caused it.

  "Oh, Shōyō," (Y/N) said gaining the boy's attention. "There was someone, a girl, that was by your locker today.. she asked me if you wanted to eat lunch with her."

  Hinata tilted his head at the sudden comment. "Who was it?" He asked.

  "Kiyama Ayano,"

  The orange haired boy bit back an annoyed sigh. He honestly didn't know why he felt irritated by even the girl's name. He also wondered why Kiyama had to ask (Y/N) to tell him, couldn't she had done it herself?

  "No thanks, I wanna practice on my receiving," He answered. "Besides, I already have an eating buddy right here," he said with bright smile, a pink hue rising onto his cheeks.

  (Y/N) actually felt relieved. She didn't know why but she did. The thought of having another person around didn't sit right with her. Now she knew as a child she was very clingy and wanted nothing more to be with her friends to the end. Of course those never actually made it 'to the end'.

  Even as of being nearly a young adult she still holds on to those who she feels are special to her. And having that being shared with someone else made her annoyed.

  She doesn't mean to be around oneself and control their every moves and who they interact with, no. What she implies is that she wants the person to be with her at all cost, whether it be as a friend, a sister or brother, or as a lover.

  She just doesn't want to lose them to another.

  She doesn't want to be abandoned nor replaced by someone who could possibly be better.

  "Yeah," the (h/c) haired girl agreed, emitting a small laugh.

  Near the classroom's door stood a girl with light brown hair and pale green eyes. Her eyes fixated on the two teens close to the front of the room. Her brows scrunched up as she kept staring. Her lips were twisted into a frown, hearing every last bit of the conversation they had.

  With that she turned away and speed walked down the hallway to her own class.

  A fiery determination lit up inside the captain's heart. She wasn't giving up just yet. She'll show just how much better she is than that (h/c) haired floozy.

'You alone are worth more than you imagine.'

- Note


𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬【𝐇𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐲𝐨 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫】Where stories live. Discover now