"See you later." He called, walking away.

I stood there shocked for a few seconds, what had happened there. Then the bell rang, pulling me out of my trance.

I cursed under my breath. I was late and it was only the first week of school. I raced down the hallway, finding my room and slipping inside heading to my seat.

Luckily my teacher was bent over her computer calling attendance and she didn't notice me slip in. She hadn't even got to my name yet. I breathed a sigh of relief, it looked like it would be a good day after all.

And it was a pretty good day. At least in the morning. After English I had art and then math. Then lunch, which I love because I get to spend time with my friends.

But the bell for the end of lunch had just rang and Ryan and I were heading back to physics again. After this morning I really hoped we would be having a lecture for our entire 2 hour long double period that we have once a week. But I doubted that I would be that lucky. I mean what teacher actually can lecture for 2 hours straight.

Mrs. Shiven was waiting for us at the door, handing out packets as we walked in. As I sat down I looked at the packet. The top read "textbook group presentations". That certainly didn't sound good and unless she had changed her minds about our lab partners, it looked like I would be stuck doing this with Sam.

I turned to Ryan.

"This looks fun" I said sarcastically.

He chuckled. "It would be fun if we got to pick our partners, but im guessing we won't ever get the chance to do that."

He was probably right.

Mrs. Shiven cleared her throat and I looked up to see that our class had all gotten there and she was standing up in the front of the room. I must have missed the bell.

"Okay Class, today we will be starting on our first of many group projects. Of course you will be doing this one with your lab partners, and that will probably be the case for most of these projects. As you know, the textbook I gave you is very big, and we have to get through it all before the big test, which means would need to do a lot of boring reading. Sooo... this year I have decided to split up each chapter into sections and each group will be preparing a presentation on their section to present on monday."

Ugh that meant we were going to have to work on it over the weekend.

"We are going to spend the first 30 minutes planning with our partners and I will come around to give our your sections. Then we will spend the rest of the time watching this video I have thats kind of an overview of the topics we will be covering this year"

She looked at us.

"Now go get to work, there are extra textbooks in the back that you can borrow if you need."

I got up and headed to the lab tables in the back, sitting down at one and waiting for Sam. He was still up at the front talking to Ryder and Kyle. They glanced in my direction and I saw Sams eyes glance over to the chair next to me and his smile fell a little. I looked over to see Ryan sitting next to me.

"Hey Ryan!" I said smiling.

"Hey, none of the seniors seem to be coming yet" He said laughing and gesturing around the room.

It was true they all seemed to be taking years to get to the back of the room and split off into pairs.

I laughed. "I guess they don't want to work in groups any more than we do."

"Yeah. Anyway, Alice wanted me to ask you if you would come to the fair with us on Saturday night. Bailey and Peter are coming too and probably some others."

"Yeah that would be awesome. Do you mind if I bring James?"

"No thats fine"

"Great" I replied smiling. "Sounds fun!"

Someone cleared their throat. I looked up to see Sam standing in front of us.

"I'll go" Ryan said, "Bye Lily. See you tomorrow"

Sam pulled out the chair and sat down.

"So when do you want to work on this?" I asked

"I would say Saturday but it seems you already have plans" He replied sharply.

Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"I'm not going anywhere till the late afternoon anyway, so we can work on this before then."


I tore a piece of paper off my packet and wrote down my phone number, sliding it across the table to him.

"Here" I said "Text me later and we can make plans"

He grabbed it and slid it into his pocket.

Mrs. Shiven walked over and gave us the page numbers for our section. I scrawled them on the top of my paper.

"Did you guys make plans to meet up?"

"Yes" I replied.

"Great, good luck." She said, heading to the next group.

I sat in silence. Unlike monday he didn't seem like he wanted to talk to me. If he kept this mood up than saturday was not going to be fun at all.

"Time for the movie guys" Mrs. Shiven called from the front of the room.

Grateful that we were done for the day I grabbed my stuff and headed back to my seat. She turned off the lights and put on the movie and I settled back to watch it but I couldn't help but wonder why Ryder was being so nice to me today and Sam wasn't. It was like they had switched. And why did Ryder even care who I was. I hadn't even known their names a few days ago, it wasn't like we were friends. So why did it seem like Sam was mad at me. Ugh this was all so weird.


The rest of the day passed by quickly and soon Alice was dropping me back off at home.

"Bye Lily, Can't wait for the carnival tomorrow" She called as I was heading inside.

I turned around to wave, "Thanks for the ride, see you tomorrow" I yelled back, smiling.

I headed inside.

"How was school?" Hunter called out from the kitchen.

"It was good" I called back, heading towards him.

He was sitting, perched on the counter, eating a slice of cold pizza.

"Ew Hunter get down from there, you're such a child" I said, teasing him.

He hopped down laughing and skipped over to me, ruffling my hair. I stuck my tounge out at him

"Now who's the child" He said, laughing.

I glared at him.

"I'm going out back for a while"

"Okay Lily, just remember, don't let anyone see you" He said, immediatly understand what I meant. He was such a good brother sometimes.

"I know the rules Hunter" I replied, chuckling and heading out the door onto the porch

I climbed down the stairs and headed up the wooded slope behind our house. Once I had gotten a few minutes into the forest I unfolded my wings, letting them flap behind me. Suddenly I pushed off of the ground flapping my wings quickly, and then I was flying.


Hey guys. Its another chapter!!

Dont forget:




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