The Comfort's Of Riding

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I entered the stable, my eyes set on my black beauty.

"Ivy wait!" A deep voice rumbled as footsteps thudded behind me. I tensed slightly as the male ran up behind me.

"What do you want Soren?" I asked, exhaustion and annoyance driving my words.

"I need to apologize," Soren said.

"I Don't Need Your Pity." I ground out each word, desperately trying to get away from this conversation so I could get Ragnar out.

I need to get away from here. If only for a couple of hours.

"I'm not giving you my pity, just listen." Soren snapped, making me shut up. "I didn't know, and I'm so sorry. What you went through... It's horrible and I shouldn't have pushed you."

My eyes flicked to his hand, which was wrapped with a white cloth, red staining it very lightly. He didn't bleed much, maybe I should have twisted the knife? I thought darkly.

"I hope you feel better about yourself now," I said to the Prince, before turning and walking to Ragnar's stall.

"I-" Soren stopped, staring at my massive stallion. "Why are you here?" He asked, forgetting whatever he was going to previously say.

"Mind your own business," I said opening the stall, completely throwing out trying to hide who I was. He's going to find out sometime, why not now?

My horse trotted up to me, nickering lowly as he stuck his nose in my stomach.

I could feel Soren behind me, but didn't bother turning around, instead focusing on getting out of this place. I felt more and more claustrophobic the longer I stood between four walls.

Walking past Soren, I walked to the entrance of the barn and whistled for Ragnar to come to me. Which he did, brushing past a very confused Soren.

Heavy clops of hooves filled the stable as Ragnar trotted to me and lowered himself so I could get on him. I did so with ease.

Before I whistled for Ragnar to move, I turned to the Prince. Figuring I should leave him with a parting gift, I spoke. "Just remember Princey, Not everything is always as it seems." I left him with that, turning and leaving him behind as Ragnar started moving.


Ragnar's powerful body exploded underneath me, his head pumping along with his legs as he lightly galloped across the open field.

After my breakdown a little bit ago, I needed his comfort, the freedom he unknowingly brought to me.

I trusted Locke with caring for Harper before I left. Since he's been sleeping on the couch in my living room for nearly three weeks, she's become more and more comfortable around him and I figured she'd be good with him for a while while I ride.

Green surrounded me, wildflowers and tall grass coated the ground, coming up to Ragnar's knees as he stood in the field, waiting for me to tell him what to do.

The field was close to two miles east of the castle, and I knew that if I rode two more miles east, I'd hit the ocean. So that's what I did. Whistling for Ragnar to just run, he did just that.

I gripped him with my thighs and held onto his mane as he picked up the pace, his legs stretching into an all outrun. The wind whipping his hair into my face as all sounds faded out beside the wind and distant sounds of the ocean.

Ragnar ran, and ran, and ran, and ran, until there was no more field to run across. Until the only thing in front of us was a sharp cliff and beautiful ocean that stretched for miles.

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