The Follower's Back

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The click of my heels was the only sound that filled the hallway as I approached the huge doors. Locke had followed me most of the way to the Throne Room, before he peeled off to talk to Julie.

I nodded to the guards, who bowed a greeting before opening the door for me.

I hate when people bow to me. I rolled my eyes as I marched down the carpeted walk that led to the throne.

"Someone's in a good mood." The King mused as he saw me roll my eyes.

"Someone's a liar." I wasted no time in getting to the point.

"Oh?" Dark blue eyes smirked in amusement.

I paused feet away from the throne, glaring at the prick on the throne. "You and my brother think you guys are so slick." I crossed my arms.

The door opened behind me and in stepped my brother.

"Oh shoot, did I miss the accusation?" Locke jested. "I ran the whole way here for nothing." He stepped up next to me, his frame towering next to mine. The bastard wasn't even breathing heavy or red-faced, the King must keep his guards in shape.

The King chuckled as he faced my brother. "I'm afraid you did."

King Samuel clapped his hand as he stood. "I'm glad you're both here. I would like to discuss some things with you two while I wait for another."

My brother and I followed the King as he led us through a side door in the Throne Room and down the hallway into his meeting room.

A huge round table filled most of the room, surrounded by fifteen empty chairs while a huge map coated most of the table.

That's weird, I thought he only had thirteen advisers, including himself and Locke. Why the extra two?

"Is this about the North?" Locke asked. His usual brotherly voice was gone, replaced with a business only voice.

"Yes." The King said, rounding the table and facing us while placing both of his hands on the map. "The Vikings are encroaching, which is an act of war. The Northern King refuses to do anything about it." The King gestured to us. "You two know him better than anyone... What should I do?"

Whoa Whoa Whoa. The King of the South is asking for our advice? I was genuinely shocked that he came to us.

"How close are they?" Locke asked, his head tilting as he looked at the map.

The King gestured to me, causing them both to turn to me.

"I spotted them as far as two hours south of the Black Forest," I said, reaching over to gesture the general area on the map.

Locke cursed. "That close?" He turned to me and I nodded. "Any camps?"

"A few, but they were completely picked up beside the fire pits. I don't think they're just pillaging and plundering for fun. I think they're running low on resources." I explained.

Thoughtful looks crossed both of their faces as they thought about what I said.

"Or they're stocking up.," Locke suggested. "Preparing for.. something." The implication was obvious.

War. The Vikings were readying the Northern Territory for war. Taking resources from others and hoarding them in the North.

"We don't know for sure, but I think that's a safe assumption." I nodded.

Locke and I looked to the King who was deep in thought.

"The last thing we need is another war. More death and destruction." The King said, shaking his head. "Declaring war on them would cause so much harm."

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