Day School and Familiar Faces

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A grin split Harper's face. "I've never been to school."

"Would you like too?" I asked.

I was ten when the Plague happened, meaning I wasn't in school very long, but I loved every day of it. After the Plague, my father ensured that I continued my education when I wasn't in the arena, training. The only good thing that man ever did for me was that I suppose.

"That would be so much fun. My mother taught me how to read and write but I never get to use it." Harper pouted slightly.

"The king brought day school to my attention, apparently someone in the castle teaches the kids around here. You wanna check that out today?" I asked, hoping she'd find the love for education that I had.

Harper rapidly nodded her head and sprung off the couch. "Let us go."

"Oh right now?" I chuckled as I got off the couch. "Are you sure you want to do this?" I checked, making sure I wasn't pushing her too hard too fast.

She responded with a nod and hopped around the living room.

"Alright then Buckaroo, let's take these plates back to the kitchen and go find day school." Harper gladly took the plates and carried them to the kitchen. She did good about not freezing every time someone passed us- as long as they didn't look at her-that was. She hummed most of the way there, only pausing when people passed us.

We got to the kitchen and found it mostly empty. The helper from last night's dinner was the only one around. Julie, I think it was, was putting away dishes, singing a song while working.

"Take the plates to the sink and start running the water on warm," I instructed Harper as I retrieved a dishrag for us to use.

Julie jumped at my voice, squeaking a sound of surprise as she turned around. "Oh my, you startled me." Julie covered her chest with a hand, attempting to calm herself

"Oh sorry. We're just washing our plates and then we'll be on our way." I said simply before joining Harper at the sink.

"I can do-"

"Don't worry about it." I waved her off with a smile.

I smiled at the confusion written on Julie's face.

Harper hummed away as she and I scrubbed our plates clean with soap, rinsing them, and then finally drying them. I turned to put the plates away, only to find Julie still standing there in confusion.

"Everything alright?" I asked, reaching up to put the plates in their cupboard, which was marked as "Breakfast Plates", making it really easy to find.

"You're... You're." Julie fought for the right words. "You're not what I expected, that's all." She had a faint smile gracing her young lips. I figured Julie to be around the middle twenties. Her brown hair was pulled into a neat bun, and her deeply tanned skin revealed her mixed heritage.

I shrugged, "That's just how it goes, I suppose."

I asked Julie where day school was held and after finding out its location I turned to Harper. "Ready?" Harper nodded. "Alright, say bye to Julie."

Harper hesitantly waved and said bye, I felt proud of her for the small action, before I led her out of the kitchen and through the many halls of the castle that I still knew so well.

We finally arrived at the room that was used for Day School.

I cringed as I heard the deep voice of a male. This is going to be interesting. I sighed as I pushed the door open, Harper glued to my heels.

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