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I woke up to my alarm blaring at 5:30 so I had time to get ready for school. I groaned as I sat up, grabbing my phone before heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day but stopped when I saw a text on my phone with the name "Blaine?" At the top of it.

"Hey, Kurt. Sorry, I didn't text earlier, the concert overran slightly. I presume you're asleep but I thought I'd apologise in case you were waiting for a text. So I'll speak to you another time I guess. Bye Kurt. ;) xx."

This was sent over a few texts sent around 2 AM, so I had missed them but just seeing that Blaine had thought of me after his concert, and texted me made me immensely happy. The kisses and smiley face helped a lot. Going through my morning routine I was grinning and could barely concentrate, and rushed through several steps of my skincare so I could text Blaine back.

"Hey, Blaine. Thanks for texting me, sorry for taking so long to reply I have school so can't stay up too late. I hope your concert went well last night! :)"

I chucked my phone down on my bed before going to pick out an outfit, deciding to include my new jacket in it. After figuring it out and then sorting out my hair I went and packed my bag for school before picking up my phone to see another text from Blaine.

"It's cool, sometimes I miss school tbh, but touring across the country sure does beat algebra at 8:00 in the morning. Also, smiley faces are my thing. ;)"

I smiled as I replied "It probably does. And surely you should be asleep Mister, you just finished a concert and you have another tonight... :)"

"I am horrified that you would betray me like that and steal my thing. Also, I'm not asleep because insomnia is a bitch and talking to you is more important. ;)"

Another winky face. And why was I more important than sleep? Reading it made my heart flutter but I shut that down quickly. Yes, Blaine was gay but there was no way he would like me. 

"Aww I'm flattered and I would love to talk more but if I don't get downstairs soon I think my Dad may blow his top. Talk to you later?" I asked hopefully.

"Sure. Bye Kurt. Xx"

I smiled and blushed at his message before rushing downstairs to meet my Dad. Grabbing my lunch and giving my dad a quick hug before rushing out to my car to drive myself to school.

I got there earlier than I needed to, hoping to avoid Karofsky and his Neanderthal teammates. However, I was unlucky because as soon as I entered the doors I was shoved into the lockers and onto the floor.

"Sup fairy." He grunted as his friends laughed and high fived each other before sauntering off towards the locker room. I tried not to let the tears come to my eyes but once the corridor was empty I couldn't help the few that fell. Constant torment every day got to you, and yes the others think they understand because they get the occasional slushy, but being the only out gay kid in the whole school lead to a whole lot more hate than anyone else suffered.

I was sick of it.

I sat there on the ground by the entrance for a few minutes before people started arriving and I had to hurry to my locker so no one would question me. On my way, I was shoved into the lockers a few times but made it relatively unscathed, to where Mercedes was waiting for me.

"Hey White Boy. How you feeling after the weekend?" She smiled and quickly hugged me before stepping to the side to let me access my locker.

I replied as I put in my combination "It was good, got caught up on my work, what about you?"

She glared playfully at me "You know that's not what I meant. Did you call him?"

I was confused by who she meant, so I turned to her as I got the last of my books out and shut my locker. "Who do you mean by 'him'?".

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