After Mr Schue added up the votes he asked Puck to give us a drumroll as he announced "Ok first off the duet shall be... Finn and Rachel" we all cheered, this made sense as they were the leaders of the club and everyone wanted their relationship drama to be over. "And the two soloists will be... Miss Mercedes Jones and Kurt!" I squealed and grabbed her in a hug. Rachel had the decency to congratulate us although we both knew she was extremely jealous, she would no doubt get a solo at regionals if we got through though.

After that Mr Schue decided to end rehearsal so we could go and think of song choices that fit the theme, so we all left and I ran to my car so I could get home quicker. I really wanted to tell Blaine the news... but I stopped when I realised he probably wouldn't care as I barely knew him and he had more important things to worry about. I drove home deliberating whether to tell him and decided against it and instead to just continue with the small talk we had been doing before.

When I got to my room and checked my phone I found two new messages from Blaine, one sent in the morning and one in the afternoon.

"Hey Kurt, I know you're at school and all but it's been fun talking to you and I'm booooooooored on this bus, so I thought I'd send you a message. Hi :D."

"I don't know what time you get off school but maybe we could talk more, I want to get to know you."

I smiled and laughed a bit at his first message, my heart warming at the thought that he thought to text me when he was bored, and then quickly responded to the second.

"That sounds fun Blaine, text me when you're free, I don't have a clue what sort of schedule you're keeping while on tour, or what timezone you're in for that matter."

It didn't take long for a message to ping through "Well I'm free for a few hours until we reach the next city, so how about we play twenty questions?"

"I'm down with that" He actually wants to get to know me? Hope blooms in my chest at the thought of this but I try to squash it down slightly so I don't get set up for hurt too easily.

"OK, I'll go first: How old are you?" that seems innocent enough "I'm 17, a senior in high school. Favourite colour?" "Red, and same, although I have my GED already, what are your hobbies?" "Singing and fashion, favourite song, not by you?" "I'd have to say teenage dream by Katy Perry, I love her music. What is your biggest dream?" "Interesting, I'm more of a gaga fan, and it's either to design for vogue or sing on broadway, what is your greatest achievement?" "Getting you to text me back ;)" I blushed and it took me a minute to reply "My My Mr Anderson, you flatter me, I would have thought it was your number 1 album or something."

The game seemed to dissolve from there and we just talked for a while, getting to know each other and our favourite films, designers, and other little things after the game had got slightly intense way too fast. Sadly after around an hour, I realised I should probably get on with work for school, which luckily only consisted of a French paper and the glee assignment.

"Well it was lovely talking to you Blaine, but some of us have work to do for school."

"Aww, I liked talking to you, what work do you have?"

"It's just a french paper so that's easy, and then a glee assignment."

"You're in glee? What group are you in, we may have faced each other at nationals or in another competition?"

"The New Directions, but we haven't been to nationals so we wouldn't have"

"Wait, you're from Ohio? So am I! I was in the warblers, we faced each other at sectionals one time and drew, and then we beat you at regionals. Small world."

"Wow, we may have seen each other and not even noticed. Well, Mr Blaine Warbler this paper is not gonna write itself but if you have any ideas on a song on the theme of identity I'd love to hear them."

"Yeah Bye Kurt Xx I'll talk to you tomorrow, I've got to practice and go over some things with my manager. It was nice talking to you :)"

I sat down at my desk, leaving my phone behind so I wouldn't be tempted into conversation with him again and worked for an hour to finish the paper, and then I just had my glee assignment to work on.

Identity. Identity was a tricky subject for me, it had taken me several years to accept myself as who I was, I mean I pretended to be straight and thought I'd get away with it, and I even joined the football team to try and convince not only my Dad but myself, but I'd finally come to a place where I was happy with myself, even if that was questioned whenever the bullies laughed and mocked me, but I was accepting myself and that was all that mattered.

Now a song that showed that... there were some obvious choices: born this way, true colours, I'm coming out... but none of them seemed right, I was stuck and after 15 minutes of looking through sheet music I was ready to give up, but luckily I was called away by my Dad for dinner.

"What's up with you, kiddo? You seem so lost in thought." my Dad asked after I remained silent for most of the dinner.

"Nothing... I got a solo for sectionals and I was super excited but I can't think of a song that goes with the theme, identity. I mean I could go simple and sing a love song to a boy, or something about being gay, but I don't want that to be the only thing about me. I'm more than just gay, and I know I go around with a sign saying 'raging homo' above my head all the time, but I don't know... I want to sing about something more than just that." I sighed and bowed my head as I said this.

My Dad sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder "Kurt. Yes, you are gay, of course, you are, and that's amazing and all, but it isn't all that there is to you, you're an amazing son, an amazing brother, an amazing friend! There are so many special and unique things about you that you can sing about, but honestly, anything you sing about will be spectacular, because you are singing it. Congrats on the solo, now go find an amazing song, I'll do the dishes." He smiled and let go, pulling me into a hug before shooing me off to my room.

"Love you Dad" I called as I headed to my room.

When I shut the door to my room I sat down on my bed and let a few tears out because of my Dad's words, but smiled and wiped them away. I was so glad he was so accepting of me, I knew I was lucky and that there are so many horror stories of gay kids coming out to their parents, and I was so grateful, I had to do this song for him.

I picked up my phone and saw a text from Blaine sent a short time after I had started working

"I may not know you very well but I think this song fits you" and then a link to a song, Fucking perfect by P!nk. It was perfect, it fitted what I wanted absolutely perfectly, it reflected what was most important about me and to me, without screaming it too obviously, and it was perfect to honour my Dad, and my friends, and the rest of my family who helped in lifting me up all the time.

"OMG! Thank you, you are seriously the best, I've been so stuck with this and this is perfect! I owe you big time! Have fun and break a leg at your concert!"

I nearly said I love you but quickly deleted it, I had known him for only a few days and even platonically saying I love you that quickly was creepy.

After sending the text I put my phone onto charge and began my nightly routine while listening to the song on repeat and humming along gently, trying to learn it in time for glee the next day.

Still humming, I went and lay down on my bed, grabbing my sketchbook and pencil deciding to come up with some designs as it would help me learn the song better. I wasn't fully concentrating on the design and when I looked at it once I had finished I realised I had drawn a costume for Blaine, that fit with his aesthetic but was much more stylish and avant-garde than his usual clothes. I sighed when I realised that even when I wasn't talking to him I was thinking about him, I was so embarrassed, he probably didn't think or care about me at all. At least I had learnt the song.

Deciding to leave it there I sent a goodnight text to Blaine and checked my emails before shutting off my phone and going to sleep.

Klaine - Famous AUWhere stories live. Discover now