She grabbed my arm and we began to walk to our first lesson, Chemistry, and she laughed as she squeezed my arm "Mystery guy. The one who gave you his number at the concert. Rachel told me.". We stepped inside the classroom and sat down next to each other before the lesson began in around 5 minutes.

I sighed, at least I hadn't told Rachel the truth, she couldn't keep a secret to save her life, "Oh, yeah he seems pretty nice but he was a bit busy so we didn't talk too much" I replied and shrugged my shoulders trying to remain cool.

She dropped the topic as others began to arrive, including the teacher and the lesson began. I hated Chemistry, it's so set in its ways, there is no room for creativity or interpretation, and the supposed patterns or rules that it follows simply didn't stick in my mind the same way songs or lines of plays do.

I was glad when it was over and rushed out of the classroom and on to the next to avoid being late, I didn't want to get detention and have to stay late at school when I could be at home talking to Blaine... I mean studying.

The day progressed slowly until Lunchtime and I tried to hurry to the cafeteria to meet up with the glee kids but was shoved harshly into the lockers by Karofsky and Azimio. Hard enough for me to bang my head and for the breath to be knocked out of my lungs. They laughed for a few moments then left, leaving me on the floor shaking and dizzy. I tried to stand and faltered, almost falling but managed to slowly take a few steps before my path was blocked by a concerned looking Will Schuester. It took me a few moments to realise he was speaking to me.

"-you hear me? Kurt? What happened?" He was looking down at me slightly and he seemed genuinely caring but I pushed him away and said I was fine before carrying on to meet my friends, trying to act as if nothing happened, but I was ready to cry once again, and I flinched at every locker that shut and dreaded turning every corner in case one of the team was there.

I made it to the cafeteria eventually, with no other incidents and sat down to eat, but found I couldn't stomach a bite so I just pushed my food around while I listened to some of the others talking, without joining in their conversation other than nodding or shaking my head when needed.

After lunch, I had two more lessons that were extremely uneventful as I never crossed paths with the football team, so I managed to get by unscathed physically, but I was terrified to walk down the halls so I practically ran between lessons.

Finally, it came time for Glee. This was the one time in the day that I forgot about the bullying and any stress I had from school, and just focussed on the music and my friends who were with me. At that time we were getting ready for sectionals and we really wanted to win because it was senior year for many of us and this was our last chance. We'd never made it to nationals and we wanted so badly to get there, and win, this year, so we were pulling out all the stops and rehearsing harder and for longer.

When everyone had arrived Mr Schue told us that today was decision day, we were going to decide who would sing the three songs, and what they would be, as long as they went with the theme of the competition "identity", which was pretty broad meaning we could do a lot with it. As the room dissolved into chaos over who would get the solos Mr Schue called for order.

"Guys! I know you all want a solo. But there are only 3 available, and one of those three I think should be a duet. Now sadly juniors these will be going to the seniors as it is their last year here." So this left Mercedes, Rachel, Puck, Finn, Quinn, Santana, Britney, Mike and Me. Mike, Puck, Quinn, and Britney didn't want the solo so this narrowed down the group even more. "So if it's just you guys, I think we should vote by secret ballot for who you think should get the solo?" We all murmured and nodded in agreement so Mr Schue handed round pieces of paper for us to put who we wanted for the two solos, and who we wanted for the duet. I put Mercedes and Santana for the duet as their voices are amazing together, and Rachel and I for the two solos.

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