Chapter Twenty-Nine

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With great anger comes great revenge.
That's what my mind is currently thinking while I was driving back to Ivana's apartment unit. If this was several years ago before I crossed paths with Dominic, it will probably be just like eating a piece of cake to break someone's heart. But this is after Dominic had slapped me with the lingering truth, opened my eyes and let me saw the light. I don't want to break some hearts any longer, I've realized how much of a jerk I was but all of that built up sorrow, frustrations and what ifs had all piled up to form the ultimate urge to seek revenge.

This is just a game of love that Dominic had started and little did he know the game hasn't ended yet but I'm going to finish it.

"So Mr. Valentine, what's your next move?" Ivana inquired when we arrived back to her place. "Which chess piece would you like to move?" She just finished putting baby Axelle to sleep and is now edging her way to where I was settled.
"We wait," I blurted out. "You mentioned that he always tweets whenever he goes partying right?" This is a good thing. Dominic might just be feeding the dragon without his own knowledge.
"Right!" She nodded.
"We will have to wait for him to tweet something out before we make our move" I said.
"Do you think this will work?" Ivana asked as she sat right next to me at the couch and picked up a slice of pizza that we bought along the way home.
"It will work" I huffed. I'm going to make this work. I've dealt with the pain and sorrow for a long time that I'll just have to make this work.
"Just so you know. Dominic had already done this once," Ivana took a bite on the slice of pizza before continuing to speak. "And mind you, he did it with flying colors. I'm hoping that he doesn't recognize you using the same tactic that he did"
"I don't know. I just hope his distraught enough to not see this coming."
"Honestly, don't mind my ass at all. I've already handed you the tool. I'm just going to be here working as the accessory to your crime as if I have some other choice," Ivana went on and I have to agree with her. She already handed me the fishing gear and all I have to do is fish. "And for the drama of course. You know, I'll be sipping my tea while watching you guys. HAHAHA!"
"Oh my god. Shut up!"

Ivana and I did nothing other than to binge-watch some horror movies on Netflix that we almost did not notice that the day had reeled up to dusk. Baby Axelle's loud cry meant that we had to put the movie we are watching on pause to pick him up out of his crib. Ivana's back to doing some mother duties again and it's quite uncanny seeing her doing that kind of work. I've known her for a while, she's somehow unpredictable and I know for a fact that being a mother is way too far from her but seeing her change baby Axelle's diaper made me realize how a lot of people drastically change once they have a child. And becoming baby Axelle's sitter for some time, it unexpectedly has taught me a lot about parenting.

Baby Axelle was so adorable that I quickly volunteered to look out for him while Ivana cooked for our dinner. I suggested we should just order some take out and I don't mind paying but Ivana wanted to show off her cooking skills which I'm sure isn't that impressive. I'm not discrediting her for trying but managing a chain of restaurants has upgraded my taste level. But who am I to judge when I don't even know how to cook myself? Once she's done cooking we ate dinner just like a family. I was looking at baby Axelle playing with his food and making a complete mess for Ivana to clean up soon. For some random reason, I felt sad for him. He'll grow up without a father. I switched my sight towards Ivana who was struggling to feed her baby and something just came flashing to me. Baby Axelle doesn't need a spineless father after all. Just like me and my brother, we didn't need a spineless mother.

"Hey Val," Ivana squealed purposely calling for my attention while I was busy doing the dishes. I hated washing the dishes for the grease but I mistakenly volunteered myself to do this and Ivana, obviously agreed to it. I was just saying it to make her feel like I wasn't being the privileged visitor.
"What?" I asked.
"Guess what?! Someone's going to parteeeey!"
"What do you mean?" I tuned my head to see her.
"Dominic just tweeted" She replied, her eyes glued on her phone.
"For real?"
"Yup, this is what you've been waiting for sir. He's going to club 69 tonight!" Ivana squeaked.

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