Chapter Twenty-Four

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"So, after you and Valentine? How'd you exactly moved on from my brother?" Vincent, out of fucking nowhere, suddenly asked me this unwanted question. We were only talking about Yhannie and how I missed that woman but all of a sudden he decided to change the topic in an unanticipated turn of events. It's as if he's driving the car and suddenly took a sharp curve. Without a seatbelt on, I was blown away to the other side of the trench, and I didn't even have some time to compose myself and invoke a proper reaction.

"What?" I uttered, almost drawing back in fear. I didn't expect to get asked with this kind of question tonight. But I guess since this guy is Valentine's brother, then it should be expected. I am already scrambling deep inside.

"Have you moved on from my brother?" Vincent wondered, moving his eyebrows to a cinch. Wait; did he just catch me red-handed trying to hide my sudden surprise?

"Yeah, yeah. Of course, I have moved on from him" I spat a transparent lie just for compliance. I didn't even know if I said it almost believable and confident enough.

"So, how was it?" Vincent stared at me with such focus that I couldn't even look at him.

"At first, it was definitely hard. I did everything to distract myself from thinking about him, and over time, I slowly got over him." I lied again. In my head, I wanted to be an honest person and tell him the whole truth, but unfortunately, my tongue did the exact opposite.

"Thank you so much, Forever22! See you again next week, same day, same time!" We both heard Lance speak from the stage announcing that his gig had finally reeled to an end until next time. I'm not entirely sure if I'm ready to see him. I'm a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, Dominic. Excuse me for a moment. I had to go to the bathroom," Vincent said.

"Sure," As soon as I heard Dominic excuse himself, I nodded. It's not like I have the authority to forbid him to do what he wants.

I watched him as he waltzed towards what I thought to be the restroom. It wasn't the restroom, though. He went past the restroom entrance, my eyes continued to follow his back only to realize he's going straight to the backstage. I reckon he's going to meet or at least find Lance somewhere there.

I came here to do one particular thing, and that's to drown my sorrow with the immaculate power of alcohol. Maybe I wanted to look for some hook-ups as well, that's always a part of it. I don't know about Vincent, though. Vincent sure did come here to drown his loneliness just like me but not exactly how the way I'm doing it. Observing him stagger towards the backstage, I instantly thought he did have a past relationship with Lance. I remembered that. That ultimately raised the question; did he come here to confront something? Maybe Vincent's here to revisit that relationship with Lance. Perhaps he's here to finally take Lance back? Maybe that's the reason why he's asking me about moving on. I could be wrong, I could be right, but who knows?

How can I ever move on from Valentine much less forget about his existence in my life? I asked myself. I've already blocked him on social media just to stop stumbling into his face and having forced to remember what I did and being slapped by how terrible I am as a person in the face. I deleted a lot of our photos together, and that's probably the hardest part. We had a lot of great memories together, I don't understand why deleting those photos might help me get over him. What else should I do to stop thinking about that motherfucker? Maybe that's not the right question I should ask myself. Maybe I should ask myself, will I ever move on from Valentine? Will I ever see the light of happiness again? I shouldn't even come home in the first place. I should've just stayed in Singapore and be a walking misery there. At least in Singapore, meeting him kissing a girl in a cinema wouldn't have happened. At least there, there would be no place like this bar that reminds me of him.

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