Chapter 3 A New Home Pt 1

Start from the beginning

"Oh hey here kid what's your name?"

"My name Jackie! It's nice to meet you! And can you please adopt me instead of her!"

"What? Sorry but no as much as I want to I just can't I've already made my decision."

I only heald him close as everyone in my head was trying to calm me down.

"Why not! She's weak and she doesn't even talk that much and when she does it's usually to herself! She's a psychopath can you see!"

As I knew it Hazel (Her liar) came to play and my right eye turned into a cat's eye and I could tell she's had enough. I balled my hands into a fist and went in front of him and I didn't feel in control anymore.

"(Lies will be in bold Italics for Hazel) Go ahead Jackie absolutely everyone cares about how much you hate to throw words at me thinking it's not funny to you. I know you do care but you show it so often I can't count how many non-emotional scars you leave every day it's...not sickening to watch me suffer so please don't do me a favor and don't leave..."

She got scared of my sudden act of lying bravery and left.

'Thanks, Hazel...'

'My problem'

I rubbed my eye and to my surprise, it was gone and Thomas gave me a worried glare and bent down to my level.

"Let me see your eye for a sec."

"I-is there something wrong with it?" I asked pretending I didn't know what happened

"Hmm I thought there was but it's gone now."

I think he knows something is up now that I just lied to scare someone away.

"C-can we talk about this later?"

"Sure kiddo," He said with a smile.

He finally finished signing and took some of my stuff and lead me to his car it looked like it was in good condition. So I just stood there awkwardly waiting he turned to me like there was something wrong again.

"You know you can get in the car right?"

"I- umm I knew that! I just wanted to wait for you."

"Alrighty then." He said while closing the trunk he went on his side while I claimed shotgun.

I buckled my seatbelt into the holder while he did the same but he put his key in afterward while I just shrunk in my seat with my knees pressed up against my chest as my head was resting on my knees. Its been awkward silence it felt nice but weird since I've done this six times but with very troublesome people so it made it harder to trust people but something about him was different from the others and it made me feel somewhat safer. I heard a known voice in my head again.

'What will happen if you kill your father-'

'I get it ok! I'll give it to you later!'

'Jeez don't need to be a bitch about it.'

'Well I'm sorry but I don't feel like you trying to get me to kill someone it's not going to work!'

'I'll get you someday I just know it!'

'And no more beef with your sister got it!'


I didn't hear her again after that so my eyes have gotten heavier and heavier and now I was fighting sleep until I eventually gave into it.

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