"Ivy, what's wrong?" One of her friends said, but she didn't care and she couldn't be bothered by who it was. She looked herself in the eye and realized that her greens ones began to show throw the fake brown ones she had, making the two mix.


"Ivy what's wrong?" Tom asked first as her friends began to come in the bathroom. Lily quickly covered her eyes. "What's wrong with your eyes?" Lily retreated to her brain and quickly tried to think of something, of anything. "What's wrong," Tom said firmly as he grabbed her wrists to move her hands out of the way. Lily began to fake cry as she tried to buy more time.

"Hey, it's okay. You can tell us what's wrongs," Druella said in attempt to comfort her. Lily then got up and went to take out her contacts.

"What are these?" Lucretia asked.

"They're muggle contacts to hide my eye color," She said finally looking them in the eye.

"Why are you hiding your eyes?" Tom asked.

"They're really pretty," Lucretia said.

"Because where I was raised they were a problem," Lily lied. Lily felt bad lying to her friends, but everything about her had been a lie and she had grown used to it.

"What do you mean?" Damion asked.

"I lived in an orphaning, far far away from. Thinking about it now, I can't even remember the name of it. I lived there for awhile before I was placed with a foster family," Lily told them.

"Yeah, you briefly mentioned them before," Damion said.

"There was Petunia, Vernon, and their son Dudley. Petunia had a weird obsession with my eyes, while her husband and son hated them. She would always dress me like a doll and have me sit somewhere really quiet and if I spoke she hit me. Her husband and son would push me around and hit me whenever they were bored. Petunia couldn't do anything about it and wouldn't believe me if something happened. So I started wearing contacts. She then left me alone, but the other two didn't. So I ran away,"

"Well we won't do that," Druella spoke up.

"So you don't think my eyes are freaky or weird?" Lily asked. Lily felt bad about lying, but she couldn't help it. She couldn't let them actually know about her. She couldn't let them, if they did they probably wouldn't believe her and she also had know idea how that could effect the future.

"No, they're actually quite lovely," Druella told her. "So don't ever hide them again," Lily sighed a brief of relief. She was both happy and sad that her friends had bought her lie. Happy because her cover wasn't blown, but she was also sad that it was blown. Her whole experience and existence was a lie. Everything she had done was planned, well for the most part.

"Can you guys promise me something?" Lily asked.

"Of course," Tom spoke up first.

"If something happens to me I don't want anything to change. I want you guys to all stay friends and I wouldn't want anyone getting hurt,"

"Why would you say that?" Druella asked on the verge of tears.

"Is something going to happen?" Damion confusingly asked.

"Of course not. I just wanted to tell you that," Lily smiled, but the tension still stayed. Soon after her friends began to leave one by one, until it was only her and Tom left.

"What's wrong?" Lily asked Tom.

"You know we all care about you," He said as Lily shook her head yes. "So you don't have to hide anything from us. We'll always be there for you no matter what. So just relax around us," He then walked over to Lily and pulled her into a hug, making her feel guilty.

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