Chapter 2: Trouble at Mistral

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I was... Flattered to say the least. Cinder seems to be on edge, since I know that she was beaten by them. I turn my attention to Cinder, helping her out the best way I could. I decided to gave her a surprise. I told her to keep the blindfold on till we reached out destination. When she found out, is a shocker to her.

Cinder's POV

I'm being blindfolded by Ultron. He took me outside and he told me to wait. I was loosing my patience, till I open the blindfold and he revealed to me, training bots. He told me that this will help me getting better at defeating my foes. He also told me that they are reusable after being dismantled. On top of that, he also said that the bots are anatomically correct to humans, I don't know how he did that, but I wished not know how he manage to figure it out.

He said "Give it a test run, if you will". I make a stance and the bots rushed at me. I took out the 2 on the left before firing explosive arrows at the remainder. They get back up and keep hitting me, not killing me. I slice the 2 behind and bisected the one in front. I then unload whatever I got into the last one and it went down.

I looked at Ultron and he cracked a smile. "Well done, soon I'll get the fighters info. Uploaded to the mainframe and you can keep training. I don't need one, cause I simply observed and that's it." Ultron said, I replied "Well I hope to use these in battle". We talk for a little bit:

Me: So where does this grand plan of yours come to play?

Ultron: The pieces of a larger puzzle. I have an army of androids that will carry out the plan. They can do what Grimms can't. No offense to Mom.

Me: We could use that to take over.

Ultron: Or make a meteor to destroy them. Our biggest concern is Atlas. I will launched the mass into the Air as it rises, only to fall once it reached its height. The impact...

Me:... Would create an extinction level event.

Ultron: And with anarchy, the social order will collapse and the government would want to control the powers people posseses.

Me: But not mine as I will be the most powerful being in all of Remnant!

Ultron: Of course. Your still my little Flame.

Me: and your still my Tin can.

Ultron: Hey now. Okay that maybe the best thing you've come up with... Period.

Me: Ultron, you always comeback one way or another. I'm glad to have someone like you.

Ultron: Good. Prepare for departure, We're heading to the Mistral.

I was confused, but since Ultron is a computer, there has to be logic in it.

Ultron's POV


We reached the Mistral to have a little chat with my buddy. He works for himself, but he knows the inside of the place. Junior, as he call himself, is a renowned Club owner, who has the Malachite Twins; They could be... Useful. I walked up to Junior and ask him for info about a supercomputer. "Look I don't know much, but that supercomputer is a hard to break-in facility. You'll need Atlas codes and documents to get in, not to mention your, robotic nature", I replied "Junior, I have that covered. You make sure you keep my tracks off tabs". "You got it boss" Junior said.

We headed off to the place on a caravan. While inside of it, I sing my favorite song in a quite tone " I... Got... No strings... On me; they drag me... down, they make... me frown, but... I got... no strings on me; and now I... am... Free". While I was "singing" Cinder heard this and smiled at me. I don't understand, but she seem to like it. The beauty of the song, plays a message of "Freedom can be obtained by sheer will and the collapse of power". The hungry, wretched power drives my circuits mad. Mankind think they can control others, be gods; however, they are as dumb as the ones they called... Apes. Cinder is no ape, neither is Mom.

We reached the place and cause a mayhem in the Facility. I knew Team RWBY will be out of commission till next week. JNPR will be taking their place, the ones that is not a problem. I use my sentries to guard the place as I plugged my mainframe to the internet. Cinder is right by me to guard me while the process is happening. I got a call from Mom, asking me how I was doing:

Salem: Hey sweetie, how goes your mission?

Me: Every... Well Mom. It goes exactly as planned. Soon you'll have information on the Hunters and Huntresses to further reach your goal.

Salem: That's news to me. I hope you know what your doing.

Me: I'll be fine, besides I put that annoying team RWBY into the hospital beds...

Salem: That's wonderful.

Me:... Long before it's too late for them to save.

Salem: That is great.

Me: I have a plan to Make them suffer... more *evil chuckle*

Salem: Keep up the good work my boy.

Me: Stay safe.

After the call ended, Cinder walks up to me with a question:

Cinder: So how long till they wake up?

Me: Till they witness their failure on the day the meteor struck.

Cinder: And Why a meteor?

Me: Atlas have tight security network, too much for my body to handle. Also this will drive them to the Meteor, while you can sneak into Beacon, without their greatest savior to intervene, if they manage to heal faster than expected.

Cinder: You really thought all the way through.

Me: You need to be a human to understand their reactions.

Cinder: Ultron, You tin can, you are a genius.

Me: I'm a computer after all.

Cinder: *giggles* of course you are.

After the download, I send it to Mom. She is impressed, but I'm not since I'm simply a machine.

Then, as expected, Team JNPR came in. I decided to play with them a little:

Me: So, this is Beacon's second most skilled? A weak leader, a quiet guy, a sugar rushed girl and someone who'd said that she is the most skilled.

Jaune: Hey, who are you calling Weak?

Me: Says the one who spoke earlier. That's you.

Cinder: I think it's time for us to go Ultron.

Me: Nonsense, let's have a "little game", Shall we?

Pyrrah: Ultron? Your Ultron!

Me: In the flesh, well as a software at most. You, Pyrrah, are so focus on your lover Jaune Arc.

Pyrrah: *blushes* Well I never!

Nora: Easy girl, we can beat them and break their legs!

JPR: Nora!

Me: Honestly, your team name is the dumbest thing I've ever heard

I shocked the entire room, shocking JNPR. I took Pyrrah as hostage and flew to my hideout, where I'll act my final plan.

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