I was shocked about her sudden outburst . I was shocked with the fact that Alex tried to rape her . I was shocked that she had to go through all this .

I make my way as I see fuming Alex and Adrian sitting there along with Milli .

Alex suddenly stands up and goes to god knows where .

                  ** Adrian's P.O.V **

I'm left alone with Alex after Milli and Romeo decided to get the book about our ancestors .

" So Alex , how have you been here ? " I ask him as he smriks .

" Oh Adrian shocked seeing me here ? Alive ? " He says .

" You know I could end you in a flash . I could end you here and now itself " I spat at him .

" You can't . You won't date to harm me in a public place . I know that " he says. 

This time my anger is beyond boiling point . I do a spell as my eyes turn blue .

I put his body on fire . Invisible as he screams , but before he lets out a scream I do another spell to block his voice . So that his voice doesn't come out. 

He begs something but obviously which I can't here . He gets up and try to rub the fire . Other laugh at him as for them it's like he's dancing . I laugh at him too .

Everyone pulls out their phone and record him . I do another spell and stop flames and gave back his voice .

He sighs and sits breathing heavily .
" Do not underestimate the opposite person , lesson learnt " I say smiling as he still breaths heavily .

Milli and Romeo comes back as Milli is angry for some reason . And Romeo seemed thinking deeply as Alex gets up and stroms out without saying a word .

" What happen to him ? " Romeo asks as I glare at Romeo thinking if he'll hurt Milli it's him next .

" I don't know. " He says as Milli gets up . " I'm having class so I'll go now " she says as she hugs me and goes .

" I learnt about what Alex did to Milli . I don't know that he'd do that . I'm sorry as I don't know that before . " Romeo says .

How come he know ? " Who told you that ? " I ask him my eyebrow raised .
" Milli told . She bursted out after I told her I knew everything while I know nothing . I'm sorry " he says .

" There's no difference between some people. No need to apologise as some people won't ever change how much they'd try to act " I say and I go from there. 

                  ** Romeo's P.O.V **

Adrian's also went out after telling me that . What does that mean I hurt Milli ? When did I actually hurt her ?

These days I'm so busy searching for my mate.  Wait , is Milli my mate ? Is that even possible ? But Milli is human .

Alex is a wearwolf and Milli is human . It might possible that Milli is a wearwolf and she's hiding the fact .

** It's possible , Many wearwolfs can hide there scent . ** Arthritis speaks .

** We should find out ** I say to him as he calms. 

I immediately dial Hannah , Mia's mom . She's a wearwolf and she's also a witch . She might have answer .

Call -

Hannah - hey Romeo , I was going to call you as Mia is asking about Milli non-stop. 

Me - Yeah Hannah I will get Milli home . But I need your help about something .

H - what happened Romeo is there any problem ? How can I help

Me - I want to make sure Milli is actually a human . Is there possible that Milli is a wearwolf or something but she's living a human life ? Like hiding her scent ?

H - hmm , that's possible . I can do a spell but you should bring her home for that . I'll do that spell and keep it ready .

Me - do something to reveal her actual scent . Please . I need to know if she's my mate .

H - mate ? Then definitely sure I'll do it . I'll make something to eat and I'll put a spell on that so that after eating it her natural scent will come out .

Me - what if she's something powerful ? What if this spell failed ? I need to know the truth Hannah .

H - No one can beat that spell . They might be powerful but I'll make a spell in such a way that she'll tell truth about anything you ask .

Me - thankyou so much Hannah . You are the best . I'll make sure Iyla is not there . Because I have a feeling that Iyla is also hiding something .

H - Okey then . Bye . See ya . I'll prepare everything .

Me - bye. 

I ended the call . Now , I have two tasks . First one is to take Milli home with me.  Second one is to make sure Iyla is not home. 

I make my way to Milli as she's in cafeteria with Ethan . Great because Adrian and Iyla are no where near her. 

" Hey Milli , hey man how are you ? " I tell him as Ethan glares at me .

He takes Milli's hand and squeezes it . But I don't understand why everyone is with Milli when ever I'm around and it's like they are protecting her .

" Nothing , what do you want ? " He asks almost annoyed by my presence .
" Milli " I tell him as his eyes turn bright red and his fangs start to show .

Great . Everyone is protective of Milli . There must be some reason and I'll find that reason .

" Milli , Mia can't stop gushing about you as she wanted to see you today . So I told Hannah that I'll bring you home with me ," I tell her and add " if you don't mind " . Her eyes soften by mentioning Mia . Mia and Milli have a great relationship . They like eachother .

Although I dint see them bonding as I was away at that time.  Mia usually don't bond with anyone that easily but Milli , something is different with her . Mia immediately bonded with Milli .

" Sure . But -" she's cut off by Ethan saying " I'll also come with her " . Great . I can't control Ethan . I need to hurt him and defeat him if he comes . We should literally fight .

" No " I quickly say as Ethan raises eyebrow . " I mean , it'll be uncomfortable for you as Mia don't know you . And she doesn't bond with anyone that quickly . She might get afraid of you." I say to him . That's the dumbest I have ever said to anyone .

" What's there to fear ? I mean I'll stay away and make sure Milli's safe " He say as I nodd helplessly . I'll make Hannah to do something like spell on him so that there won't be any fight .

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