Chapter - 16

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                 ** Romeo's P.O.V **

My wolf is wanting to see our mate . I wanted to hold her in my arms . So I decided to go to her and bring her to my room . I make my way into the dungeon as I see an empty cell and Luca already in it . He sees me and keeps something in his pocket .

" Where the fuck is my mate ? " I yell at him . " I don't know . But she escaped . " He said . " Find her now " I say as I shift into my wolf . I follow her scent which led me into woods .

I reach in middle and see there is no scent further . Where can she go ? How did she manage to hide her scent ?

I run further more and see a human . She turns back and I see ... Milli ?

Her eyes are filled with fear as if she saw a ghost .

She called me Mr.Wolfy . I laugh in my head as I bend down to show her I won't hurt her . She immediately runs . I laugh and I go back searching for my Mate . I searched whole town. I see her no where . I shift back in my human form .

Iyla told me she is staying with Milli Tonight . I wish I had my mate now in my arms . I wish I would have marked her right away when I saw her .

My father comes to my room . " Romeo , we will be having a guest tomorrow . Alpha Alex is coming to complete his study in our University . So be nice with him . I don't want our packs to fight because of anyone " He says .

" Fine dad . I'll not be rude with him " I say as he goes .

Why is this Alex guy coming in middle to study ? Maybe he's coming to find his mate .

                    ** Milli's P.O.V **

I wake up and see Ethan still sleeping . For some reason I couldn't sleep well . I missed Addy . I know he's now having a mate and we can't share a room . But from my childhood we have been together everywhere .

I make my way down as I smell bacon . I see Addy in kitchen making us breakfast .

" Aye , someone's in a mood " I say as he laughs . " Come on Milli , don't be a tease now " He say as I Chuckle .

" Did you sleep well last night ? " He asks seriously . " Yeah I did , why won't I ? " I lied . " Because I know you silly , you never sleep without me and I see eyebags under your eyes " He says as I roll my eyes .

" So , should I move out from my room now ? " I ask as he looks at me eye brow raised . " I'm sorry to ask like this , I know you have a mate and I understand your privacy . I don't want to be like a throne in your way. . , And don't worry I'll sleep in Ethan's room until he gets himself a girl " I say while I giggle .

" I understand you Milli . But it's not like Iyla will be staying with us . When ever she comes over you can stay with Ethan , other than that you can stay with me " He says smiling .

" I'm happy for you Addy . I'm happy that you found love like Mom and dad used to love eachother . " I say to him

" I know , I'm so happy too . " He says .
" And Mee too " Iyla says as I look at her .  " Look Iyla I know you're my bestfriend , but if you hurt Addy I'll make sure you pay . Because before everyone he comes for me and he always will . And I can't see him hurt like never ever . " I say as Addy looks embarrassed .

" Okay ma'am . I will keep your threat in my mind and I personally will never hurt Addy " she says as she joins in my hug .

" Welcome to our small family Iyla . You're a part of our little world now " I say as Addy looks at me and smiles .

Days pass and now it's our first day back to college . Iyla keeps coming one or two days when ever she's free . I sleep with Ethan when ever she comes . Me Ethan and Addy make our way to University .

------------- At University ------------

I make my way to class and everything goes peacefully . I dint meet Romeo till now which is good as I don't want to meet that jerk .

Classes end and now I'm in cafeteria with others.

" Milli can you bring these books for me in library please ? " Addy asks .

" Why me ? I'll go on one condition ? " I tell him as he nods . " You have to take me to restaurant today and you will buy me what ever I ask . " I shrug .

" You know every Sunday I'll take you and buy you what ever you want right ? Like every Sunday we kept as family day , now what this ? " He says .

" I don't know choice is yours " I say as he look at his work he should complete . " Fine mom just go " He says as I make my .

I took three large books from library when I accidentally bump into someone and I fall down .

" Ouch . Can't you just see and walk ? " I say while I collect my books . " Oh , I'm looking at you while walking , maybe I wantedly bumped on you ? " He says as I look up .

Shit .

Shit .

Alex .

That monster who kidnapped me and almost raped me is standing infront of me now

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That monster who kidnapped me and almost raped me is standing infront of me now .

I collect my books while  standing up and and I finally look at him while he smriks .

I see next to him . Romeo Vinsezi ...

Two people who torchered me , two people whom I hate so much . I'm scared.  What if Alex told Romeo about who I am I ?

" Hey Milli , Missed me ? " Alex spoke up as Romeo seemed shocked . It means he don't know anything .

I take a step back from them . " You both know eachother ? " Romeo asks .
" Yes , we go a way long back " Alex says while he winks at me . " Oh , I dint know " Romeo says .

I feel my whole body shaking . I feel my breath going down slowly . I take deep breath and Everything goes black .

                ** Romeo's P.O.V **

I received Alex as my father told me . He seemed to be a nice guy . He seemed friendly . We came to University . ALEX accidentally bumped into someone as they fall down. 

Then I see Milli . Why is this girl so clumsy ? She looks up as she saw a ghost . She continued staring at Alex . Maybe he's her Ex or something . But I don't know why I have a bad feeling about this. 

Then I see Milli shacking . She seemed so afraid of something or particularly someone. I never saw her in this state . And then she faints . Before she hitting the ground I caught her up and I feel sparks .

Usually if we touch our mate I should feel sparks but why Milli ? I look up and see Alex staring at me.  Almost like with anger ?

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