Chapter - 12

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** Adrian's P.O.V **

So we got a week as holidays and Ethan is staying with us . We became like a family . It's good having him around as he's a good influence . I have been looking out for Milli and I came to know that the wolf that attacked her is IsaBella , as she's been attacking Iyla's sister Mia .

What a bitch right ? Who attacks a six year old girl ? I came to know that Mia is Iyla's half sister . After Iyla's mom died , her dad , Alpha Arthur found other mate .

I come to garden as I see Milli is using her magic to bring a dead plant back to life which she succeeded and Ethan is observing the plan carefully .

" Wow Milli it's so cool " Ethan said .
" I know " Milli says while walking towards me . " Addy we'll go out for lunch nah , I feel like going out " She says hugging me .

** You bastard , you promised me on a run you remember ? ** Sky snaps angrily .

** yes sky I do remember and I will , I promise ** I say him as he nods .

" Okay I understand , go for a run and we'll go out for dinner " Milli says .

When ever her wolf or my wolf speaks , we both can hear . " Okay , I'll go grab my shirt and short then . " I say to her as she gives me a smile .

" Ethan , will you get me a blood bag after the run ? Get it backside " I ask him .

" Sure , but Me and Milli need to go hospital to get blood bags as there only 2 left . " He says as I nodd and go for a run .

I shift to my blue - black wolf and start running into the woods . I'm in middle of woods and I smell berries mixed with fresh honey . FUCK it's Iyla .

I turn back to run away but she's already there . She's a whitish grey wolf which is rare . She's beautiful with brownish orange eyes . She saw me . She smelled me . She knows I'm her mate now . FUCK .

** Ethan's P.O.V **

I agreed to stay with Milli and Adrain

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I agreed to stay with Milli and Adrain .
They became my family instantly . I'm so happy knowing I do have people who loves me and accept me as a family .

Back in NewYork I don't have one . Even if I have they dint accept me for who I am . But Milli and Addy are been very open as they even don't have a family . I can understand how it feels .

We're now in hospital as I compel the guard and Milli went to bring bloodbags .

" Ethannnnn " Milli shouts . What happened ? She's got in trouble ..

" Milli ? What happened ? " I ask her panicked as she bursts out laughing .

" Nothing it's just that I'm checking if you're here or you went to some chick leaving me alone " she asks .

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