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** Third person's P.O.V **

It was heavily raining. Everyone is silent around. It was a pin drop silence. No one dared to speak.

Luca stood there clenching his fists with his jaw tight. He just stood there in a black suit, along with Lyla. She wore a black dress, tears falling from her eyes.

Iyla stood beside Hannah, along with Mia occassionally glancing at Adrian. Romeo stood awfully quiet. The rain dint stop neither the dark clouds moved, same like his soul, with a broken heart.

He dint show his love towards her, neither he told her how much he loved her. All he felt was regret and rage built inside him with his eyes darkened. His wolf constantly howling in his head for the warmth of his mate.

They all stood there staring at the same thing. A very beautiful sleeping Milli. She wore a white dress with her, looking peaceful than ever. Lying in a coffin looking beautiful more than ever.

A single tear slipped from Adrain's eyes. He blamed himself for her death. He wants to know if she was in peace. He wants to die with his twin. But, that promise and the bonds he created in this world held him back.

It is heart-breaking for every single of them. A bubbly extroverted girl, lying there soul less in from of their eyes. Yet, they couldn't do anything.

"I'm sorry" Adrian knelt in front of her. "I'm so sorry" he sobbed as Iyla knelt beside him supporting him. "I promise, I promise I'll live my life for you and me. Both. I'll miss you twinny" saying he kissed her forehead. One last time.

With a Storm of rage, Romeo left pushing everyone in his sight. His soul is still with her. He felt lost. He felt incomplete.

Luca tried to stop him and be there for her, but he dint. He blamed her. His rage became into darkness surrounding him. Every single thing blinded to him.

"She left me. She fucking left me. I hate her" he yelled in his office to no one. He turned his anger into hate towards her and people around him.


They all stood silently. Mia crying her eyes out for Milli. Lyla, Iyla standing the corners while Luca and Adrian stood in the middle.
There's now newly built marble stone.

   Milli Noah Fernandez

   An loving Twin, An amazing Best                       Friend, and a special Mate

                              2002 - 2021

"This isn't over. My little brother"



                                The End.


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