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She — dodie

I watch from a few tables away as she smiles and laughs alongside her boyfriend. The twinkle in her eye as he cracks a dumb joke. A lightly dusted shade of pink on her cheeks as he whispers in her ear.

"Y/N, just sitting and staring at her isn't gonna help anything," Aspen sighs as she sips her coffee.

"Then what do you suggest I do, Aspen?", I roll my eyes.

"Talk to her!", She raises her voice ever so slightly.

"I have! I have, Aspen. And how did that work out for me? I got fucking rejected. She has no desire whatsoever to even be included in my everyday life because of that. The pathetic kiss that I attempted that, remind you, she pulled away from, just made it even more awkward between us."

"And before you say something about me getting over her, I'm trying. I really am. It's just hard, you know? We used to be so close. I could tell her anything and she wouldn't judge me for it. It's just that ever since they started dating, she's been distant. They started "talking" almost a year ago and now we don't even speak to each other in class," I exhale as I place my hands over my face.

"At least you don't share a dorm with her...," Aspen mutters, the grin prominent in her voice.

I chuckle as I glance over at her.

"I guess you're right," I nod.

"It's okay to be sad about it, Y/N. Just don't beat yourself up about her actions as a friend, you know?"

"Yeah, I guess....Hey, you remember the three of us went and got Chipotle and-"

"They put a whole bunch of hot salsa in Billies bowl and all she kept saying was her ass was gonna fall off," Aspen finishes before cackling.

"Yes! Oh my god we could not stop laughing, that was so fucking funny," I giggle while holding my stomach.

After a while, the laughing dies down and I think back on all of the good times her and I had, the good times that the three of us used to have. It's all my fault we don't have that anymore. I shouldn't have kissed her.

"It's not your fault," She whispers, pouting ever so slightly as I glance up at her.

"I really fucking miss her, Aspen," My voice cracks.

"So do I," She lets out a watery chuckle.

"I'll talk to you later, Aspen," I say as I sniffle the forming tears away.

"You want me to come with you?", She pouts.

"You don't have to," I shake my head as I slip out of the booth, sliding my phone in my pocket as I do so.

"Are you sure? You know I can order us some food and ice cream and we can watch Disney movies all night," She says.

"No, no, no it's fine, I don't wanna be a bother. Plus, aren't you supposed to be seeing Brandon today? I'm sure he misses you," I say as I turn around, facing her.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind just one day without me," She grins, raising her eyebrow slightly.

"Alright," I giggle, sniffling a little in the process.

"Meet you there?", I ask.

She nods as she slips out of the booth as well, leaving a $10 tip before walking toward the door.

We both step out and walk towards our separate vehicles.

"See you in 10!", She yells as she slips into the front seat, pulling off a few seconds later.

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