Werewolves Of Armenia (Skit)

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Slayer was listening to Power Metal lately. The Night Sentinels listen to all kinds of metal. Well, maybe except pornogrind. That shit was whack. And who the hell is insane enough to make lyrics about their weird ass fetishes? Doom Slayer maybe has fetishes but he had standards.

Oh god.

He remembered that time a young Night Sentinel that he watches Demon... You know what it is. Jesus, people ARE weird. He passed by some shop that was selling succubus porn.

What the fuck.

Is this how degenerate this Hell is? This is heretic bullshit.

He moved on.


He felt cold air around him. And the area darkening around him.

When in the hell did hell (no pun) had cold weather.

Suddenly, he heard howling. Howling from Wolves.

Out of nowhere, four anthropomorphic wolves appeared from the heavens above.

"Stop right there, Newcomer!" Said the leader (presumably) of the four demon wolves in a Power Metal-ish voice. "We come here to destroy you!"




Then they pose like they are Power Rangers or Super Sentai.


The Doom Slayer held a finger.

"What? Can't fight us?"

The Doom Slayer picked something from his inter dimensional pocket. And held a disc.

The Werewolves recognized the disc.

"Is that...?"


He handed it to them.

The shortest of them (the fourth one) took it (gently) from the Slayer's hands. They looked pleased with the disc they are gifted.

The Werewolves looked at him and the Slayer gave them a thumbs up. After that, he left.

* * * * *

Stanier, the tallest of the Werewolves, can't believe that the Newcomer let them live. It was a fantastic gift.

"Y'know," Stanier said. "Didn't expect he'll give us this disc. Fresh from Japan, too."

Dodley, the fourth and the shortest one, looked at the disc with sparkly eyes.

Cranium and Spike, the two werewolves noticed something from their backs.

"Hey, brothers."

"Yes?" The two other brothers said in unison.

"Some imp is just casually walking towards us."

They looked around. It was an imp with a Slipknot t-shirt with a "We Are Not Your Kind" disc in his hands. He is casually walking towards them.

"Hey! He gave you a disc, too?"

"Yep, my fellow imp friend!" Stanier said in his manly voice. "Maybe he ain't so bad, after all..."

"Well, he gave me a disc, too. But, not exactly Power Metal, I suppose."

"Hey!" Cranium said, as he patted the imp's shoulder. "Everyone listens to their own music, too, kid! We do not mind Nu-Metal."

"Well, thanks, I guess."




"Hey, who wants a beer?"

"Heck Yeah!" The three werewolves agreed in unison.

"Um," The Imp said. "I might go with y'all. But the only thing is, that I don't drink too much beer..."

"You might give 'PowerCore Bar' a try! They have every beer you want!"

"Well... Sure-"

"YEEAAH!" The werewolves shouted, causing the imp to shook.

"What's your name, fellow imp?" Spike questioned the imp.

"Xander! A fellow metal fan!"

"Well, Xander! Let us go for a drink."

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