Thou Shall Not Fall

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After a few hours of preparing of his arsenal, he went outside of the apartment. He prepped everything he needs. His guns and bullets. He kept the other unnecessary things like the toys in his inventory.

Then, he went outside, sprinting as fast as possible. He silently booted up his trusty ol' "pal."

He called Samuel Hayden, the annoying asshole who told what he should do and don't. He had been silent, for awhile. Oh wait. It's because he turned off the comms.

He may annoy Slayer, but he needs help right now.

"What is it now, Slayer?" Hayden's voice came to his helmet.

The Hellwalker grunted.

"I see." Hayden said, somehow and somewhat understands him (he learned his verbal language from... elsewhere). "You are on a Hell? That is pretty diffrent from yours?"

The Slayer nodded.

"Understood." Hayden said. "I'm sensing Demonic Energy, but not the exact... Argent Energy?"

The Doomslayer was confused. These demons doesn't have Argent Energy? Huh, that's a first.

"Detecting Demonic Energy just up ahead."

Just as expected, the Slayer saw some several demons just ahead. Holding weapons like swords, knives, and guns. These demons are really stupid aren't they? These fuckers never learn.

Above all of them, was a demon in a red classy suit, red hair, characteristics of a deer, and, most importantly, that shit-eating grin. Just by looking at it, the Hellwalker was getting annoyed already. He is gonna blast every bit of all demons that would piss him off, if this one doesn't anger him.

"Greetings, newcomer!" The demon said with a radio-like voice, with a hint of... excitement? That's weird. "You bring some pretty nice entertainment to me, but now, I think it's time put an end to this show..."

Great, this fucker wants him dead, too? And what's with the oldie radio voice he had? What entertainment? The fuck? Doomslayer had a lot of questions in his mind. But, enough of that. Time to focus.

The demons charged at him, with the exception of the demon with the classy suit. He simply shot the demons with with his Super Shotgun, teared them in half with his bare hands and sawed them with his Chainsaw. The demon with the classy suit seemed impressed by all of this.

* * * * *

Alastor never seen such brutality! Brute strength! Speed! And, oh, that chainsaw of his. It made some nostalgia to the good ol' days.

"Bravo! My brutal fellow!" Alastor said. "Now! My turn..."

* * * * *

The demon with the classy suit snapped his fingers and, suddenly, tendrils appeared from the ground under him.

He grunted in surprise when the tendrils wrapped around him, causing him to be stuck in place.

The tendrils is pulling him into the darkness below him.

"Pathetic." The demon insulted the Slayer. "Not even the most powerful newcomers can handle my power..."

That's it. That was the last straw. He pissed him off.


"Care to insert the beserk genes in your bloodstream, Slayer?" Samuel said in his intercoms. The Slayer grunted, agreeing for the deal.

"Understood. Activating Berserk Gene."

At the same time, Slayer also played a certain song in his playlist.

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