Chapter 19

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"Thank you Minhyun-ssi." We entered Seventeen's room and saw that everyone is removing the makeups, putting on jackets, etc. I guess the interview is done.

When the boys spotted their senior, they bowed and greeted him, not forgetting to introduce theirselves.

"Hello, I'm Minhyun from Nu'est! and no worries, Jieun." Minhyun placed the plastics in the near table so I did the same. We both bowed at each other and he then bid his farewell and also told the boys a 'fighting'.

"You bought food for us?" I heard Woozi ask. I nodded as an answer and they all jumped in glee.


"Yes, noona?"

"Here." Seungkwan's eyes glinted when I gave him the latte.

"I've been craving for latte since we passed by a cafe. Thank you noona~" He took a sip and smiled.

"You're welcome."

After the others finished in whatever business they were doing, we went home.

"I feel so exhausted." Jun exclaimed and plopped on the sofa.

"All of us are tired." S.coups plopped beside Jun.

"Should I cook?" I asked and they all looked at me and then looked at each other.

"Maybe not no--"

"Yes! I'm hungry!"

"We just ate a while ago, why are you hungry?"

"Please cook, noona."

"No! She's tired too!"


"Final is no"

The others sulked and I laughed at the sight. So cute. "I guess I don't have to cook then, rest well everyone. You might have another schedule later."

Some replied 'okay' and some are still sulking.

I walked to my room and grabbed my phone from my pocket and played a song.

Days and weeks passed and the routine was like that; they would have a lot of schedules, some of them have to be a suprise guest, the others making songs for their comeback. I would cook for them every morning or noon or evening. Sometimes I would buy snacks for them and there were also times I had to buy bathroom essentials for them. They fight because of a damn toothpaste, tissues and others. I bet their past managers had a hard time dealing with them.

Currently, the others are out because of their schedules and some are left in the dorm. The staffs told me they would go with the other members while I stay here in the dorm.

"I'm really bored." Dokyeom said and the others agreed.

"You can talk with your fans?" I suggested.

"Okay, sit here." Jeonghan said and told me to sit infront of them.

"Why though?" I asked but nevertheless, I sat infront of them.

"You're a fan so we could talk to you."

"Uhh, what?"

"Tell us how carats like you act when we do vlive or post a selca or something like that." Are they seriously asking that?

"Well," I started.

"Woah! They really act-- I mean you guys really act like that?" Mingyu, Dokyeom, Jeonghan, S.coups and Joshua laughed.

"Carats are really cute." Joshua compliment ted and the others agreed. "Do you also act like that, Jieun?"

"I do--"

"Take it slow, noona! Joshua hyung ain't proposing" Dokyeom joined in the conversation and we all laughed. Silly Dokyeom.

"I mean, I act like that. Do you remember the first day I became your manager? When you guys ate and I fangirled?" I reminisced that time when Mingyu allowed me to fangirl.

"Yep, you look so cute." Mingyu smiled and the others nodded.

"Thank you." I shyly thanked them and looked down, lowkey fanning myself.

I looked up when I heard the tablet ding. The others also averted their gaze from each other to the tablet. I stood up to grab the tablet on the chair I sat earlier.

Pleasant afternoon, Miss Kang. The CEO have decided to let the boys and you to have a 3-day off. We are thankful for your efforts and so as the boys. The boys who are out because of their schedule will receive the envelope from the CEO and will be opened once it's in your hands. Have a safe day off for you as their manager and the boys!

I smiled when I finished reading the message.

"Why are you smiling, Jieun?" Jeonghan asked.

"I'll tell it once the others arrive, Jeonghan-ssi."

I heard Jeonghan groaned and when I turned to him, he's already pouting. 'That's my weaknes-- No.'

"We already told you to call us oppa." Jeonghan sulked even more.

"She calls me oppa, ha, bleh." S.coups childishly pulled his tounge out at him and Jeonghan glared at him.


"Oppa! Make it oppa!"

"No, Jeonghan hyung."


"I'm glad I have to call noona." I heard Dokyeom mumbled and I chukled.

"Why can't---"

Jeonghan stopped talking when the front door bursted open. It revealed Seungkwan and Vernon.

"Where's the others?" Mingyu asked.

Seungkwan puffed. "Are you aware that we all have different schedules?"


"Oh, Jieun noona," Vernon called. It's really weird for me to get called noona by Vernon.

"Yes?" I answered.

He fidgeted something in his hoodie and took out an envelope. "A staff gave it and told me to give it to you."

"Thanks, Vernon." I got the envelope in his hands.

I guess this is the envelope the staff told me.

"Ohh, what's that?" Dokyeom curiosly asked and went closer to me.

I backed away and smiled. "Hush, Seokmin. Let's wait for the others."


A/N: Hi hello! I updated today hehe. To my readers, thank you so much for reading, appreciating and loving this! Ily >3

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