Chapter 24

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"I'm really uncomfortable about this, though." I looked at Wonwoo who's lying in the ground with Hoshi and Vernon, surrounded by pillows and comforters.

"Why? Are you gonna do something?" Vernon laughed and raised his eyebrows.

Wonwoo turned to me, "Are you okay with it?"

"I'm fine." I let out a smile. "Are you that uncomfortable? I can sleep on the sofa." Once again, I let out a soft smile.

Vernon and Hoshi giggled and Wonwoo who's now a bit red, turned away. "Y-you can sleep with u-us, don't worry."

"Are you fine sleeping in the floor? Your back doesn't hurt?" Worry was evident in my voice and the others chuckled.

"We're fine, Manager Kang." The four of us laughed and slept before starting our 3-day off, or trip.

"Who ate the chocolates I placed in the freezer?!" S.coups' voice roared inside the penthouse, anger visible on his voice.

"I swear, I'm innocent!" The others shouted and it made S.coups more angry that one of his members didn't follow the rules he announced.

I just chuckled and went to our shared room to get the chocolates I also brought. I took one last look at our shared room and walked back to the living room, to see the boys' looking down and S.coups looking at them while raking his hair.

At this point, I might change my bias.

I slowly walked towards S.coups and handed him the chocolates. "Compensation." I simply said.

He had a dumbfounded look on his face and turned to his members before looking at me. "It was you?!"

I chuckled at the reaction he made. "Fortunately, It wasn't me. Just wanna cool your head down." I raised my eyebrows at him.

He couldn't do anything but just nod and huff out a breath before looking at the members that were looking at me. In Carats' eyes, the sight of Seventeen's leader raking his hair will look hot and sexy. However, in the members eyes, the sight of their leader raking his hair send shivers down to their spine. They knew it was a sign that he was frustrated. I can't help but chuckle at their leader who's looking so angry because someone stole his chocolate.

"Why does he look cute yet sexy?" I whispered but unfortunately, they heard.

"Sexy? Cute? What????" Dino said but I just laughed at him.

I walked forth and stopped behind S.coups'. I held his shoulders and brought him to the kitchen. "Oppa, you look so cute, okay? But cool down first and eat the chocolate I gave you." I gave him a soft smile and sat while he sat infront of me.

I can't believe that's the first thing that welcomed me after waking up from my slumber. They're always chaotic on and off stage.

I fished my phone from my pocket and opened Twitter. I rarely open my Twitter nowadays because of the tight schedule the boys carry. I had to assist them and go with them. Other than that, I get tired too because I always cook for them. These boys, really. I even remembered the first time I went to their dorm, Hoshi was supposed to eat the chips Jun and Seungkwan bought but I stopped him and told them I care about them so much and eating chips is unhealthy. Cringey, I know.

I looked at the edits I saw on my newsfeed. A lot of edits were cute and some were.. uh.. hot. Back then, when I'm bored, I used to make edits. And now that I have these boys to handle, I just admire the edits I see.

'How about making one today?'

"Seems good." I commented and laughed at the edit I saw. It was Dino laughing compilation.

"Hey, hey, is that Dino's laugh?" I looked infront to see S.coups leaning in to take a look at my phone.

I showed him the compilation and nodded. "Yup," Popping the 'p' "His laugh is really funny" He didn't reply but just laughed at my remark. Oh wait. I exited Twitter and opened my camera. I turned to him and pressed the recording button.

"Why are you recording me?" I didn't answer and just putted my finger on my lips, shushing him.

"Smile." I mouthed and he complied. His gummy smile is no joke, he really looks attractive with that smile on. I paused the recording and bid him a small bye before going to the living room. Some heads turned to me while some had their eyes fixed on the television infront.

I stopped on my tracks when I felt a minty breath on my nape. Turning around, I was greeted by a wall-- A chest, exactly. The person had his eyes on my phone while I had my eyes at him.

"You're recording the boys?" He asked and averted his eyes from my phone to me.

I, a fan of them, turned crimson red. Who wouldn't blush when their Idol is infront of them?!

"Y-yeah." It's normal to stutter, hush.

"I'm the visual of this group and you're not recording me?" Groans and hiss' were heard.

"Visual? You're no visual, Kim Mingyu!" Wonwoo shouted. I backed away from Mingyu and turned to his members, who's now grimacing at him.

"Come on, dear brothers. You know that I'm the visual." They threw a pillow to Mingyu but he just laughed at them. He turned to me and smiled before walking to his members who still had a disguted face on. He comfortably sat beside Hoshi, who had his cheeks blowing up. Probably because of the marshmallows he ate.

I gave them a smile and went to our shared room. I held my chest when I finally got inside the room and threw my phone on the bed and also threw myself on the bed.

"What was thaaattt?" I squealed, shutting my eyes close.

"Omygod, noooooo."

'Mingyu. Mingyu. Mingyu. What are you doing? We were so close! So close!'

"Eyyyy, Mingyu is a flirt."

'But my heart was beating fast!'

"Your heart always beat fast infront of them."

'Why do I act like a teenage girl?'

I grabbed my phone and watched videos to calm myself, but only to find my hands searching for Mingyu's name. Dang it, I palmed my face and pursed my lips. Not wanting to shout. That was a small interaction, why am I going crazy about it?!

Forget it, I'm going to eat!



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