chapter nine

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( in the arctic)

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( in the arctic)


A GRUMBLE escaped Cadence's lips as she blinked herself awake while riding on a S.H.I.E.L.D. issued snow truck with Phil Coulson, who looked equally tired but excited nonetheless.

Over the past few months, Cadence had traveled to places she could have only ever dreamed of seeing while also staying true to her promise to her mom on trying to see if her soulmate was close. The closest she had ever gotten was around their base camp off from the small town they were staying in, but Cadence never pushed further knowing that the whole team would be around the area for a while.

"Ah!" Cadence exclaimed in surprise as Coulson drove over a particularly packed area of snow, causing the truck to bump up and down. She gave the man who was equally bundled in layers and layers of clothing in the driver's seat a death glare. Out of the entire team, Coulson had picked Cadence to torture by waking up and driving to a recent tip at 3 a.m. in the morning.

Apparently, the very same plane Steve Rogers went down in was found underneath the ice and was discovered, excavated, and brought to an underground temporary metal bunker that was being used by a drilling company nearby the crash site of the plane they mysteriously found.

It made sense to why the plane was never found before now.

1. It landed in the Arctic.

2. Layers of ice had incased the entire plane (and Captain Rogers) for nearly 70 whole years.

"Ugh," Cadence grounded as she slowly got out of the snow vehicle. It had taken them nearly 2 whole hours to drive their way to the bunker and that whole drive had been filled with bumps, snow, frost, and not being able to hear anything other than the roaring engine of the truck competing with the mountains of snow and ice of the frozen plains they were driving across.

At least she was semi-warm. Phil and Cadence had properly bundled up in many layers of clothing to keep warm with a big blue insulating coat to go everything. The only difference in their outfits, being that Coulson was wearing a snow version of his trademark black sunglasses he usually wears. Cadence had forgone the black glasses and stuck with a more traditional snowboarding/skiing type googles to keep her eyes protected.

Phil laughed at Cadence who was shaking her head, "Are you having a seizure over there?" He joked.

Cadence grumbled at the older man who she could finally understand and talk to after two hours, "I'm pretty sure I'm deaf now and it's all your fault!" She yelled at Coulson, far louder than he had been when just talking to her.

Coulson pulled back a piece of his jacket's hood and showed Cadence a pair of headphones that he had covering his ears. He pointed to them, "Couldn't hear a thing over these babies. Best noise-canceling headphones around." He said before taking the headphones off and throwing them into the truck.

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