chapter two

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( the smithsonian visit )

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( the smithsonian visit )


"Are you done stalling or are you ready to head to the exhibit?" CADENCE asked Steve as he glanced around the large atrium looking for another thing to go explore.

Cadence and Steve had finally decided to make a trip to the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and check out the permanent Captain America exhibit while they were there. Steve had displayed interest in going ever since he found out about it's existence back during the first dinner he had with Cadence's parents and brother.

However, now that he was here in the moment, he was a little hesitant and Cadence sensed that.

Steve, of course, felt honored that the museum had curated a collection of witness testimonies, uniforms, and old documents to put together an exhibit for him and the rest of the Howling Commandos, but still felt a bit awkward.

Perhaps it was the massive crowd filing in and out of the room labeled to be the exhibit in his honor or maybe it was the fact it felt weird to attend the exhibit when he felt undeserving of it. Plus, it felt weird to look around the exhibit which oddly felt like a memorial to him when he was still very much alive. Not that the museum curators knew when they first went out to curate the exhibit, most people were just learning that Captain America was still alive with his appearance during the Battle of New York.

"I'm not stalling." Steve insisted, trying to convince Cadence and himself of the statement while clutching onto his plush river otter stuffed animal he had just purchased at the gift shop.

Another attempt at a diversion which just added a really cute otter plush to his personal belongings. Cadence was glad to indulge him.

"Oh, really." Cadence responds doubtfully with a sly grin, "Then what do you call that little guy?" She asks while reaching over to the plus otter in her soulmate's arms and waving the little stuffed paw.

"Gabe. I've named him Gabe." Steve states while hugging the stuffed animal closer to his chest. With his free hand, he enclasps his hand with Cadence's, keeping her close as families bustle around them.

"You've named the plushie otter you just bought after my brother who hates you?" She asks, a deadpan expression all over her face. "What are you trying to do? Win brownie points?" Cadence guesses then giggling at the insinuation.

"Hey, you said he doesn't actually hate me!" Steve catches, pointing a faux accusing finger at Cadence using their joined hands.

"He doesn't!" Cadence defends with a laugh, "I just don't think naming a stuffed otter after him will make your relationship any better."

"Fine, I'll name it Gabby." Steve caves, nestling the soft plush animal comfortably in his arms.

"So much better." Cadence teases with a kind smile.

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