chapter four

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( an escape in an elevator

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( an escape in an elevator... with a cat )


STEVE ROGERS had enough trauma for a lifetime now. Between serving in World War II as a soldier and watching his best friend die right in front of him. To now where he had finally gotten a soulmate only to be plunged into a new era where aliens could rain down from the sky and Norse Gods were actual people.

The latest addition to the mountains of PTSD was the death of Nick Fury. Where Steve had watched as Fury battled for his life on the floors of the apartment he shared with his soulmate only to see the poor man riddled with injuries code as soon as he arrived to the hospital. Cadence was certainly shook as she had done everything in her power to help her superior survive to no avail.

Steve wished he could have been by her side at this very moment, but he had to report back to S.H.I.E.L.D. about the attack and what had happened. Cadence was doing the same, but had her debrief with Agent Hill, someone Steve was only vaguely familiar with as Fury's right hand.

And none other than the man to take up the helm as director in Fury's absence, Alexander Pierce, is the one to greet Steve as he walks through the front entrance doors towards the elevators. Agent 13, formerly known as their nurse neighbor Kate, stood talking to the older man.

Cadence had off handedly mentioned that the numerical system for Agents was a way to disguise their identity for only the most top secret missions. Agents who still existed on paper unlike the Black Widow, but still worked under S.H.I.E.L.D. in undercover ways. According to Cadence, S.H.I.E.L.D. had probably searched for an agent that she wouldn't recognize to pose as their neighbor so the surveillance mission could succeed.

Both soulmates didn't know what to feel about S.H.I.E.L.D. having them watched even if they claimed it was for their 'protection'. Between Cadence's agent skills and Steve's super serum powers, they felt like they were plenty taken care of.

"For whatever it's worth, you did your best." Pierce whispers in a soft conversation with the blonde agent in front of him. She holds a carrier in her right hand and her body blocks Steve's view of what it actually is. Although as he approaches, she seems relieved to see him for some reason he can't put his finger on.

"Thank you, sir." She responds to her boss before turning her attention to Steve, "Captain Rogers. Here." Agent 13 says while extending the bag in her arms towards him.

He's confused for a moment before he hears a familiar sound.

A meow.

"Oh god, Geronimo!" Steve exclaims as he hurriedly clutches onto the straps of the cat carrier he's been shoved into. He looks to Agent 13 for an explanation.

"When Cadence left with the ambulance and you on the roof, she gave me the cat. I wasn't sure what to do with him, with the both of you with Fury at the hospital." She informed the super soldier as he gazed down at the large Maine Coon mix in the mesh carrier in his hands.

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