chapter five

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( a terribly long drive with three people

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( a terribly long drive with three people... and a cat )


As CADENCE ROGERS kept her eyes on the road the majority of the time while driving, she couldn't help but sneak a few glances to her soulmate, Steve Rogers, who sat in the passengers seat squirming a little bit back and forth and seeming not very himself.

Who could blame him? S.H.I.E.L.D. was after them both, Nick Fury was dead and entrusted him with a flash drive, Steve got into a brawl in an elevator with their beloved cat, Steve nearly lost the flash drive and now Natasha was on the run with them.

Cadence had just picked up Steve and Natasha from a mall where they barely escaped the S.T.R.I.K.E. and S.H.I.E.L.D. agents after them. They had gone to extract the data out of the flash drive and found out a location of coordinates that Cadence was taking them all to now.

And when she says all...

Yes, with Cadence in the driver's seat, Steve in the passenger's, Natasha spreading out in the back of the car and Geronimo, perched on the redhead spy's lap.

All headed to Wheaton, New Jersey where the signal from the flash drive was detected. S.H.I.E.L.D. had been right on Steve and Natasha's tracks at the mall and they successfully avoided them and loaded into Cadence's brand new stolen car.

What? It's not like she could use a car under her name while on the run with her soulmate, co-worker, and cat!

"I'm pretty sure hotwiring a car is not a part of standard S.H.I.E.L.D. training," Natasha commented with an amused expression on her face as they zoomed by in a car. The road was clear with the only scenery being the changing leaves of the trees on the side of the road.

Cadence shook her head and smiled at the redhead through the rearview mirror, "It's not. I just had a... knowledgeable high school experience."

"Oh?" Natasha responds with a cool smirk on her face, "An ex?" She questions.

The tone is teasing, as if to get a rouse out of the super soldier in the passenger's seat but Steve doesn't squirm at the mention.

"No, it's actually a really funny story." Cadence says with a large grin, "Isn't it Steve?" She asks the man beside her, glancing at him for a moment. Her smile falls only just slightly when he seems lost in his own thoughts and she turns her eyes back onto the road.

She clears her throat, "No ex, just an old abandoned junkyard that proved to be a popular hangout after curfews."

Natasha hums and sets her head back against the seat rest as she relaxedly strokes the messy fur of Geronimo. He seems much more settled now. Now out of the way of any broken glass, both from their former apartment and the elevator that Steve had fought his way out of.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11 ⏰

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