chapter four

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(at S

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(at S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters)


CADENCE DANIELS rushed up the multiple flights of stairs with her coffee cup that had now grown cold in her hand. It had been 11 p.m. when Cadence had left her brother's place and then she had another hour to get to her S.H.I.E.L.D. division in Washington, D.C. only to find out that the very important debriefing and first official team meeting that Phil Coulson had set up was going to happen at S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters. In New York; and the debriefing was at 5 a.m.

Luckily, a plane ticket was already booked for Cadence and she landed in New York City at 4:00 a.m, but then Cadence forgot how bad traffic was from the airport to where she needed to be, S.H.I.E.L.D. had sent a driver with her name on a piece of paper he was holding up and Cadence would have felt so special and taken a selfie but she did not have the time.

It was when Cadence could see the big S.H.I.E.L.D. building in the distance that she realized that it would take her a good 30 minutes to reach the building if traffic continued the way it had been and it was already 4:50. So of course Cadence did the only sensible thing a person would do after being awake for 26 hours running on one cup of coffee.

She got out of the car while in the busy and bustling streets of the Big Apple, told the driver to meet her there, and ran towards the building with ten minutes ticking by. Did she notice people looking at her weirdly? Yes. Did she care? Hell, no. She wouldn't have cared if she wasn't sleep deprived.

Cadence was grown up on manners so she did say the occasional "excuse me" and "sorry" while passing by the people of New York. When Cadence finally reached the building, the receptionist told her that she was supposed to be on the 8th floor in 3 minutes and if the S.H.I.E.L.D. elevators were anything like they were in D.C, it would take at least 5 minutes for the elevator to reach the ground floor.

And thus leading to the very current events of Cadence running up 8 flights of stairs with a cold cup of coffee in hand.

"I'm here!" Cadence half yelled, half praised when she burst through the double glass doors of the debriefing room that she had been told to go to. When she entered the room, she could see several people already sitting down while Phil Coulson stood at the head of the table, passing around files to everyone. Big hefty files with words Cadence could make out to be "CLASSIFIED".

Coul-Phil gave Cadence a small, subtle grin, "Nice of you to join us, Agent Daniels." He greeted, stoically.

Cadence nodded as she regained her breath, never being more thankful for the required hours of weekly training for S.H.I.E.L.D. ever in her life. If you asked Cadence to run eight floors up in under 3 minutes before Cadence joined S.H.I.E.L.D. then she would have laughed in your face and then ask if that was even possible.

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