chapter one

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( at the beginning of winter soldier )

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( at the beginning of winter soldier )


Who ever said that STEVE ROGERS had no sense of humor? Perhaps it was Tony, who's preferred nicknames for Steve ranged from Capsicle to Captain Serious to simply just old man.

Steve liked to think he had a good sense of humor, especially once he'd become more comfortable with the people around him. But he simply couldn't pass up the opportunity in front of him (or rather, behind him) as he was on his early morning run with the same route as another man who was much slower than Steve.

He couldn't blame him. There weren't many people who Steve had met that could keep the same pace as him, let alone pull ahead and go faster.

The super soldier serum concocted by the late Abraham Erskine gave Steve an inhuman sense of stamina and heightened the bar for him to feel fatigued or exhausted. It certainly helped in quite literally all situations. From fighting on the frontlines back in World War II and defending in the Battle of New York City with the rest of the Avengers to scaling the many flights of stairs multiple times during laundry day in Steve and Cadence's apartment.

And especially now, paired with a giddy sense of humor alike to a child, as he continually passed the same man over a dozen times. Like a cruel and funny game of tortoise and the hare where Steve was the hare and stopped multiple times in his run to let the other man, the tortoise, overtake him only for Steve to pass him again and repeat this over and over for his own amusement.

The funny quip he repeated again and again as he ran past him on the side, "On your left." only added to laughter that nearly escaped his throat every time he said it.

Steve couldn't wait to tell Cadence of his antics when she picked him up later in the morning.

Typically, they would partake in the morning runs together and they still did that morning, however, Steve would always need to run a little bit father, 10ish more miles, to get the same light morning jog affect. So Cadence and Steve would set off together, then she would leave at her stopping point to go back to their shared apartment to take a shower. Later once Steve felt done with his run, Cadence would pick him up and they would go out to share a breakfast together.

It was their own little morning routine and Steve loved the monotony of it all, of how domestic and normal it felt. It was something he didn't know how much he craved it, the feeling of normalcy in his daily routine.

Of course, he still worked with S.H.I.E.L.D. and on the Avenger's Intiative, but the world didn't need saving from another alien invasion so soon so Steve was relegated to generic S.H.I.E.L.D. missions that could benefit from a super soldier's touch.

"On your left." Steve said again, not a hint of fatigue or hard breathing in his words as he once again passed the man who was the unlucky soul to have chosen the same route of Steve's today.

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