chapter four

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(the start of the avengers)

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(the start of the avengers)


It was an unusual sight for STEVE ROGERS. Seeing his soulmate counter going up and down and up and down and... you get it. For so long he was used to not having one to watch. That he would enviously watch others on the street, swinging their hands together and having their counters be in the single digits.

Back in the 40s, there was no real explanation why he didn't have a soulmate counter. No doctors entertained him seriously and just said that he was one of the, then, fewly documented glitches. Then after receiving the serum, Steve was told his lack of a soulmate counter was going to be spun into the idea that his real soulmate is the good ol' US of A.

Yeah, that was too sappy even for him.

Now, meeting Cadence, his soulmate. It was strange and too quickly had he gotten used to the sight of his counter being in the single digits and having her by his side and vice versa.





He watched as it counted up higher and higher as he stood still in this room surrounded by the other 'heroes' contacted about this Avenger's Initiative while Cadence roamed the large ship they were aboard. While Steve was invited to participate in the Avenger's Initiative, Cadence was only cleared to know about the inner workings. Not being as high a level to be working side by side Steve, so she took Fury's offer up on working on assignment somewhere else on the ship.

Some part of Steve was glad. He was no stranger to danger and back in his day (god, he sounds old now), Steve practically searched for it. This Avenger's Initiative would no doubt bring a fight to him and he certainly didn't want his soulmate, the woman he's been waiting for for so long, to be mixed up in the same danger he's supposed to squash.

Plus, this rag tag group he's seen so far hadn't been fairly promising. Not like the Howling Commandos had been. Not like the power duo Steve and Bucky had been...

"Hey, Icicle!" A voice called him out of his stupor of watching his counter.

Steve looked up, slightly embarrassed but he refused to let it show in front of this group who he barely knew.

The voice belonged to Tony Stark, the son of the man he once knew, Howard Stark. The son was nothing like he remembered of the former. This man was arrogant and didn't seem to give a shit about anything.

He also chose to cover up his step clock, which Steve could never fathom of have doing. It was one of the first things Tony had said about himself to the group (and there were a lot of things Tony had said about himself), that when he turned into an adult he covered his counter up and hadn't looked at it since.

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