Part 6

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everyone looked up and cheered as he lowered himself upside down on the spider web right next to M.T lady and they all cheered "KISS HIM,KISS HIM,KISS HIM,KISS HIM"over and over M.T lady asked if it was alright and he nodded she then grabbed the mask from the bottom and took it of revealing everything from the chin to the nose his clear cheeks and the thing she focused on the most the lips which looked like they belonged to man but soft like a cloud and she closed that gap between them with a kiss the kiss ended after 10 seconds mount lady for the fist time in her life was so embarrassed she hid behind Komooi Woods whose mask less face became so shocked everyone broke into laughter.Spiderman was about to leave when someone screamed "why are you a hero"he looked towards the people each one with wonder in their eyes before he answered"I became a hero to protect people, to prove to everyone no matter what or who you are you can be strong there is no point in living if all your going to do is try your hardest for fame and money no sigh if in your eyes a hero is someone who can win even when the odds are against them then that is so wrong a hero to me is someone who fights with everything they have they push their limits destroy every bone in their body even die as long as they can save an entire group or even one person a hero smiles not to show his strength but to show the victim it'll be alright just go and don't look back keep living the best you can so you asked me why I want to be a hero well it's simple I want to be a hero so I can protect any and all who need protecting ".Once he finished their was silence followed by a roar of cheers even the heroes joined in Spiderman was going to lower his mask and leave when M.T Lady jumped on him and kissed him leaving him to blush and the rest of the girls jealous with that he swung away leaving everyone happy.

After Parade and Kiss 

It had been a week since the parade and nothing has changed much except for the fact that Izuku was kissed by two hot women lossed the girl he loved because of her prick of a father even so he hasn't given up on searching for a way for her to regain her memories and her love.That and how he and his family have gotten along much better and his sister Izumi along with their best friend Katsumi were always sparring since they had free time oh and how Izuku transferred schools and made two new friends named Kirishima Eijiro and Mina Ashido which he spent every single second with they sparred ,sang, had sleep overs, stayed up late they were so close that Midoriya introduced them to the enchanted forest he and Shota used to go to every single day.Even though Midoriyas life turned for the better it steal never healed that scar of losing the girl he planned to live with for their entire lives so every single night he stayed up to 4:00 fighting criminals just to find away to get back the most important thing he ever had her love. Izuku and Kirishima were sparring Midoriya turning his fist into iron and incasing them in starlight for a more lethal affect as well as using Venom who quickly told Izuku were the next punch would be and the best way to counter and Kirishima lessening the damage while increasing his strength with his hardening while Mina didn't know who to cheer on. Izuku dodged Ejiros punch and uppercutted his gut then he right hooked his face and using core incinerator created a blast of focused plasma making him fly and crash into the waterfall splashing both Izuku and Mina in water .They all broke into laughter and jumped into the water where they all played.On their way home they discussed how they were going to get into UA when they were attacked by a villain that had the upper body of a rhino and before Izuku could react he was knocked out.When Midoriya woke up his farther in All Might form was standing their trying to wake him up Midoriya got up and stared at All Might before looking for his friends but they weren't there All Might heard an explosion All Might flew to the scene while Izuku stood there "hey little bro were going to kill this bastard for taking our friends"Izuku dashed forward jumped and yelled"V it's spidy time"and in that second he was enveloped in a liquid darkness which took form as a jet black suit suit with a large spider symbol at the front and large white eyes with no pupils a rod of thin jet black fired and attached to a building room and right to the finish line a man swinging his name was Spiderman.He fired web to web using them to swing building to building. When he got to the site he landed on the roof and watched as the pros had given up on saving his friends because they were to weak and with them a girl with brown hair in a bob cut style and a natural blush."these heroes think they can give up without even risking their life what a shame hey little Izu lets show them what real heroes look like"said Venom Izuku nodded and jumped of the building doing a front flip and swinging from the web he just launched the sound it made notified the people present their and when they saw him then came the applause.Spiderman swung into action the rhino tried to attack him but spiderman dodged grabbed his wrist was doing a hand stand when he kneed the rhino to the cheek knocking him a few feet back which enraged the beast whose horn grew twice the size of a small square table and as thin as a katana he then charge spiderman using his hands giving him more force like an actual rhino.Spiderman flipped over him but the rhino didn't stop he kept charging at the civillians so he fired a web that went past the rhino and hit the mirror shooting it back to spiderman who caught the other side of the web making it like a net spiderman stood his ground but the rhino was steel moving forward so venom shot his tendril into the ground to help stop the villain and it worked then he used air manipulation to make the clouds turn and turn till they came down like a tornado trapping rhino who then flew up high and slammed into a wall before falling down.He got up again and charged towards spiderman who closed his hand togethor with the horn blade in the middle Izuku then drawed his arm backwards creating a fist which was then turned into titanium and surrounded in dense air he then uppercutted  the rhino shattering it's jaw sending a jet stream of air blowing some people away and making it rain as well as have enough force to shatter the rhinos horn.The villain was on the ground was bleeding people stood their and stared in aw at the hero who saved the three lives of kids before cheering but spiderman picked the girl with brown hair up and gave her to the people who were crying because venom siad they were her parents they thanked him while crying the girl woke up and stared at her parents before crying saying how she was so scared to die.She then turned to spiderman who was holding his friends about to leave she wanted to thank him but was interrupted by death arms who said they had it under control that All Might was going to come soon and that he had no hero license so he had to go with them for breaking the law" and when she looked back at spiderman she felt afraid because of the way he was starring at them even the heroes backed up"you had it under control YOU CALL WAITING FOR ALL MIGHT UNDER CONTROL"he shouted scaring some people"all you and Komooi woods did was complain about how your quirks would be useless in this situation backdraft his quirk would be the most useless in this situation and look what he did he saved people even M.T lady she couldn't help because her quirk makes her larger but even so she used her hands and head to cover the citizens infront of her both she and him were the real heroes every over so called hero I suggest  you retire your just embarrassing yourself"as he finished speaking all the heroes except for backdraft and MT lady thanked and before he took off with his friends MT Lady pulled up his mask to reveal his lip and made out with him for 10 seconds before he was embarrassed he swung away.It was 5:40 and MIna and Kirishima woke up only to see the masked hero they both adored they were speechless when they saw him the three were on the sky scraper and he was starring down till he heard Mina move he looked back at them and asked how they were feeling Kirishima just stood there with no words and Mina was blushing like crazy but they broke out of it when they heard him say"I was so scared of losing you two Eji and mimi"the two realised in that moment who he was because the only person who knew their nicknames was the maker Mina and the two friends Kirishima and Izuku the two cried "it was you you were Spiderman"they both said as he took of his mask revealing a crying boy"I couldn't lose all I had left"he told them both Kirishima and Mina jumped and hugged him they cried their for two hours and discussing how it started, what it felt like and then they met Venom and they all got along.Soon night came and he took the two home they were amazed and proud to be friends with such an amazing and strong wielded person soon they went home and slept waiting for tomorrow the day were they would take the exam for UA.

The child with the bruised and lonely heartDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora