Extra 1: Major Power's Infantry Units

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This is the sketch for the Infantry Units of the Main Major Powers: The Great Britain, The Fourth Reich, The United States of America, and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic

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This is the sketch for the Infantry Units of the Main Major Powers: The Great Britain, The Fourth Reich, The United States of America, and The Union of Soviet Socialist Republic


British Infantry were very well-trained, well-protected, and well-equipped, fair movement speed and had a good morale. Their protection were the Mk5 Brodie Helmet and Mk3 Viking Bulletproof vest. They are armed with Mk6 Enfield Arlingtonshort self loading rifle, Mk5 Revolver or Hi-Power Browning, and Sabre. They were also equipped with Mk3 Mills Bomb grenade and Mk2 smoke grenade

German Infantry were well trained, very well-protected, had a good morale, and well equipped but they are heavy because of their heavy armor that makes their movement speed very slow. Their protection were the 1948 Stahlhelmet, Nebelwhenger Sturm-Shocker Mask, and 1948 Kugelsicher Vest. They are armed with MP50 SMG, Luger P7, and Streitaxt Battleaxe. They were also equipped with Model 30 Stielhandgranate and Model 5 Rauchgranate

American Infantry were well trained, well-protected, had a good morale, and fairly equipped. But their range of fire is very short because most of them were armed with Shotguns. Their protection were the M4 Helmet and M5 Bullet Proof vest. They are armed with Remington M5 Pump-Action shotgun, Browning Hi-Power, and Combat knife. They were also equipped with M4 Grenade and M2 Smoke Grenade

Soviet Infantry were fairly trained, fairly equipped, and had a very high morale. But they were not protected with any bullet proof vest nor helmet, this makes them invulnerable when facing against a very well defended force. Their protection were the Ushanka winter hat and Winter Coat. They are armed with AK-49 Assault Rifle, Tokarev TT-35 Pistol, and Machete. They were also equipped with Molotov