Chapter 31: Multiple Party but One China 🇨🇳🇹🇼

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     In a battle between the Chinese 50th light infantry division the Dragon Fighter consisted of both Nationalist (Koumintang), Communist (Gongchan), and the other Chinese modern warlords against the Fascist Italy's most experienced Light Armoured Group 'Amaretto'. The battle was intense. The Chinese fiercely resisted Italian attacks. The Amaretto Group had 100 CV50/S, 50 P60 Tanks, and 5000 mens meanwhile the Chinese had only 5 old British Tortoise Tanks and 1000 mens

{Zhang POV's}

I'm Corporal Zhang Dhu of the from the Dragon Fighter. We were fighting The Fascist Italian Amaretto Group. We only had 5 old British Super Heavy Tank Tortoise but it's useful against the New light Italian Tanks. I was in a dug out, using my M16 assault rifle to fight the Fascist Italian . The Italian haf 5000 troops with 300 armours meanwhile we only had 2000 troops. Our Liutenant Fang Huolin was there too, using his German Luger P5 to fight the Enemy. He's from the same Political Background with me, The Kuomintang (Nationalist)

"Huǒ! Shā sǐ nàxiē fàxīsī yìdàlì rén!" Fang commanded. We, the Soldiers grunted and keep firing at the attacking enemy

"in poi gli uomini! uccidiamo questi bastardi nazionalisti e comunisti" i could heard the Fascist Italian soldiers shouted from a far attacking us with men and Tanks. Our Tortoise could handle them

"Wǒmen xūyào dǎbài tāmen! Wǒmen bìxū chóngzǔ shé kē!" Fang shouted. He pulled out a German hand Grenade and throw it at the enemy, killing five of them

"Shì de, zhōngwèi!" The men grunted in agreement as we all keep fighting the enemy forces. We destroyed 30 of their Tanks but we lost a Tortoise because of their sudden artillery attack. We continued to fight the enemy and they returned the fire

"attacco! attacco! uccidi quegli imbecilli! per il nostro Grande Rivoluzionario duce Mussolini!" The Italian soldiers cried as they keep firing/charging at us. We are outnumbered but still, we will never surrender! FOR CHINA!

I Killed atleast 35 of them with my M16 AR. I keep firing again and killed 5 Italians again. I Totaled 40 Kills. Then i saw an Italian Soldier aiming his Rifle at me. Before i could react, The Italian shot me right on my shoulder. It's so painful and the bullet is too deep for me take to pulled it out

"Āiyā! Wǒ xūyào yī míng yīshēng!" I cried in pain. Lord! This too painful for me! What kind of ammo they used!? A German 98K ammo!?. Then i heard a voice of a certain medic girl

"Zhang!" The owner of the voice called. Half Chinese half Korean. She's Lin Shen Xu. She's a field medic in our army. One of the best i think. She's from the Communist faction but she didn't follow the ideology but her father is a Colonel of the Communist Party

"Nǐ méiguānxì, zhāng?" She asked me as she kneeled down infront of me

"Āiyā! Bù, yìdàlì rén zhuā zhùle wǒ de jiānbǎng" i replied her while showing my injured shoulder

"Hǎo ba, wǒ huì jǐn wǒ suǒ néng" she said as she pulled out her medical stuff such as bandages and morphine syringe. First, she drip a drop of alcohol onto a napkin. I hissed in pain when she cleaning my wound with the alcohol touching my injured skin. Then she gave me a painkiller pill and a water canteen

"Zhèlǐ! Hē zhège! Tā huì jiǎnqīng téngtòng wǒ huì gěi nǐ fénghé" she told me, i nodded as i drank the pill with the water while watching her stitching up my wound and bandaged it

After she finished bandaging, she packed all her medical stuff back in her medical bag. Then she asked

"Gǎnjué hǎoduōle?" She asked me

"Shì de, méiguānxì" i replied. She smiled as she stood up and went to help the others out. I quickly picked my M16, loading it and cocked it as i stood up and went back to repel the Fascists Forces

After a long time of using my M16 AR, i'm out of ammo. I glanced around to find a dead Italian soldier carrying an STG44 AR. *Sigh* well i got no choice so i picked up the AR and see if the dead Italian had more ammo in his bag. Turned he had a lot. So i picked then all and load one pack on The STG44 and continuing to fight the enemy

After several hours, the Battle turned into a stalemate. Both sides lost lots of men. Then i looked at Commander Fang who's now pulled out his Chinese Broadsword

"Xiūfù cìdāo!" He shouted as the Men including me fixed our bayonets on our firearms. After we finished fixing our Bayonets, Fang cried a war cry

"Gōngjí! Duìyú liánhé zhōngguó!" He shouted as he let a war cry. Then all of the Chinese troops including me yelled war cries as we charged towards the enemy although the enemy is strong in numbers but we have high hopes that we'll beat them

(Battle Summary)

The Chinese Light Infantry Division 'The Dragon Fighters' continued to fight The Fascist Italian Mechanized Infantry Group 'Amaretto'. The Chinese were being pinned down by the Fascis Italian. The Chinese bravely resisted the Italian. Italian Tanks moved forward to approach the defending Chinese Troops only to get destroyed by The Chinese Tortoise Tanks. The Italian continued their desperate assault while the Chinese tried to counter attack. At first the Chinese counter attack got stopped by the Italian Machine Gunners but then out of nowhere Chinese Howitzers barraged the Italian Tanks and Infantry and destroyed some Italian Howitzers behind by accident. Then the Chinese counterattacked Led by Commander Fang raising his handgun. They charged with every weapon they (old WW2 weapons, M16 for the Kuomintangs, AK47 for the Communists, and Ancient Chinese Blade) towards the Fascist Italian forces as they forced the Italians back and scattered them everywhere and lots of them got killed by the Chinese even the Italian Captain Giovanni Luigi but not for Commander Fang. Although the Chinese did won the battle but their Casualties are way too much for them to handle but they fought to the last breath for the United Republic of China. Victory to the United China (Kuomintang, Gongchan, Warlords)

United Republic of China
750 men killer in action
2 Tanks destroyed

Italian Socialist Republican
2500 men killed in action
150 Tanks destroyed


After the 'Dragon Fighter' light Infantry division won against the Amaretto group, They celebrated their victory with the remaining men and funeral for those who fall in the battles in one graves both for The Nationalist, the Communist, and the Warlords. They celebrated cheerfully. Starting with drinking Tsing Tao beer, Using Opium for fun, Eating Traditional Chinese food (Bak Pao, Hong Bao, Chui-Mie), and playing Chinese traditional games. Even the wounded joined in the Celebration

After they finished the Celebration they didn't expect to cross a path with the Chinese 150th Infantry divisions and Armored Corps using old American-British-Russian lend lease armored vehicles mainly Shermans from the Americans, Cromwells from thr British, T-26's from he Russians. After the two divisions regrouped, they marched west to the Invaded Town, Beacontown to help their Allies there

"Sānmín zhǔyì, wú dǎng suǒ zōng, 

yǐ jiàn mínguó, yǐ jìn dàtóng. 

Zī ěr duō shì, wèimín qiánfēng;sùyè fěi xiè, zhǔyì shì cóng.

 Shǐ qín shǐ yǒng, bì xìn bì zhōng;yīxīn yī dé, guànchè shǐzhōng." The Chinese sang together as they march towards Beacontown

(A/N Notes: Well, this is the last side story from this fanfiction. I hope you Chinese (both from PRC or ROC) will be interested in this side story and i hope there's no conflict between you Chinese and Taiwanese)