Chapter 46: The Charge Of The Freedom Fighters

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{Jesse's POV}

The air was filled with smokes of the destroyed German Robots from behind us where our other forces defending the line from the Metallic Army. The Town's ground were nothing but almost destroyed by the German Tanks. The surrounding buildings are wrecked because of the Germans devastation. Thousands of Germans including the Robots, British, Italian and Beacontowner Troops lay dead on the ground. In front of the Back Barricaded sector where we were positioned, The German Regulars were about to launch their next wave. But we and the Allies are about to launch our own attack against them

"Everyone ready?" i asked the troops that were in my command. They nodded and replied 'ready!'. I smiled at them. Then, i pulled out my Diamond sword and raised it in the air. I took a deep breath, then i looked at Petra and Jack. They nodded at me, signalling for me to signal the charge





Those are our Battle Cries. We all stand up from our position and start Charging towards the Germans with our weapons raised after the Signal i have given to them. It's time to turn the course of this battle. When we charged at the Germans, we quickly formed in Bullhorn formation to break the German Garrison. With spirit and heroism filled the faces of our Troops, we charged at the Germans using the Formation. This formation will surely break the German Defenses. 2 Divisions of British and Italian Troops formed as the horn, while the rest formed as the Bull

I was with Petra, Jack, John, and Gorzia when we charged towards the German Troops. Petra raised her 'Miss Butter' sword, John raised his Rifle, and Gorzia raised his Blade.  I was in command of this Charge and i will do anything to gain the upper hand against the German Invaders. We'll not let them take over our Town. We will drove them out with our Brother and Sister in arms

When the Germans noticed that we were charging back at them, they quickly stomped from their supposed advance for the Next attack on our Forces. We got them surprised by charging and make the Germans panicked as they fired back at us. The Commander of the German Regulars quickly commanded his Troops to hold our attack

"HALTE SIE AUS! LASSEN SIE SIE UNS NICHT ZERSTÖREN! FEUER FREI!" He commanded his Troops to fire back at us. The Germans killed several of our Troops. The Germans cut down our Charge but we still keep Charging at them. Some of the German bullets almost got me and my friends, but they barely got us. No matter what happens, we have to win this battle in order to keep our Freedom

"Keep Going, Guys! Don't let them break us!" I Shouted to everyone as they replied by raising their War Cries louder

"YAAARGH!!!" The Allied Troops cried, Charging at the Enemy with their weapon. Allied Troops and some of Beacontown's Militia opened fire first. Firing their Weapons at point blank ranged in hope to kill some or maybe several Germans. It did worked though

When we were Charging towards the Enemy, we saw several of them got shot and killed by The Troops and Militants. This just got them even more panic. Their Commanders shouted command words in their language like 'Schnell! Schnell! Töte sie alle!'. They obeyed and keep firing at us. We were almost approaching and i looked at My friends, John, and Gorzia. They nodded at me and i nodded at them, Signalling the Faster Charges. And yes It's time

"NOW!!! QUICK CHARGE!!!" I Shouted to the Allied Troops and Beacontown's Militants under my command as they cried even louder while raising their weapons. My Troops keep firing at the enemy in point blank ranged and killed more German Troops. The Germans are now scared of our sudden assault, but it's Commander didn't. He walked in front of his Troop as he stood on a stone and pulled out his Handgun, facing at us. We glared at each other for a view seconds. The Germans are bewildered by their Commander action. Then The German Commander turned to his Troops as heraised his gun in the air