Chapter 24: When The Yankees Stepped in🇺🇲

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{No One's POV}

   In the Western area of the overworld right on the Southern Side of the British Wellington Base is another Allied Base which is The Freedom Base of the American Resistance Forces. The Base is as cold as the Valitunya Base of the Soviets and Mushashi Base of the Japanese. The Freedom Base structure is familiar like The Wellington Base but theres some distinctive features that makes the two bases different which are the flags. In the base, theres 250.000 American Soldiers,Rangers, and Marines, 500.000 Civilians, 250 Howitzers and MLRS inside the Armory, 1000 Pershing Tanks inside the armory, 100 Newly M60 Patton Tanks inside underground armory, 500 F-16s and F-22s Jet Aircrafts on the airfield, 250 B-60 bombers in the airfield, 50 newly made F-35 in Service, 1 battleship USS. Iowa, 3 Cruisers, 5 Destroyers, and 2 submarines at the harbor. The  of the American Resistance name is General Travis McArthur

{Taylor's POV}

   My name is Sergeant Bill Taylor of The US Rangers. The Nazis were not the only one to Invade America, but The Japs too. So we were surrounded in two fronts until we all escaped to this world with Proffesor Dallas transportation machine. I though he's out of his mind and wanted to create something that doesn't really existed in the world. well, i guess i was wrong. I was in a bar at the Freedom base with my Girlfriend Jenny. She is the best sniper in our armed forces

"What can i serve for ya today?" The bar bartender asked me while cleaning a Glass

"Two Good o' Georgian Whiskeys" I ordered

"Right on you way" He said as he went to picked us the whiskeys on the Drink Cabinet

"Jen, Do you have your Watch Tower Patrol tonight?" I asked Jenny who was sitting beside me. She shook her head

"Actually, no. Frank is taking it" Jenny replied

"Oh, okay then, Babe. I was thinking if we could hang out with Everyone in the Marine Corps. They're my Friends and i'm sure you'll like em'" i said

"Hmmm, Sounds like a Good plan. I'm in! " She smiled. Then the Bartender came back with two glasses of Whiskey

"Ah, Finally! Thanks man!" I said to the The Bartender

"No probs, Ranger!" He replied. Jenny and I drinked the Whiskey. It felts so Good. American Whiskey is the Best! Well second best to the Irish Whiskey

"Babe, Do you think we can win this Wad? I mean i know that we have the allies on our side, but look at the Nazis! They're Three Times bigger and advanced than any of us are or our Allies combined" She said, while drinking her glass of whiskey

"I think so. I mean sure they had numbers and technologies. But we have hopes. Hopes to free our Nation from Hitler's Tyranny. We must fight for America!" I said, with a wise old man tone. Jenny giggled at my words

"What's so funny?" I asked her, confused

"Sorry! It just that you sounded like that old man McArthur!" She said between her giggle until she bursted into hysterical laughter

"Aw, Come on! It's just a Small speech! Not like the big one that old man gave to us!" I said, drinking the whiskey

"Welp, you should glad that you had a beautiful and listener Girlfriend" she said, Seductively poked my chin. I blushed at her seduction

"Har Har,Very Funny Jenny" i said sarcastictly. I continued drinking the whiskey

   We spent lot of time in the bar talking, drinking, and gambling with the other bar visitors. Remind me of good ol' Vegas. The Heaven of the Gamblers and where i came from along with Elvis Presley. When we were gambling, a sirine beeped. Then we heard an announcement from the Brodacast tower