Chapter 36: The Battle of the Bad Luck Alley

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{Lukas POV}
     I was running away with my group of 23 Beacontown Fighters plus F!Jesse and Ivor to escape from the incoming German forces that numbered around 5000 Soldier. they outnumbered us 5 to 1. We were at the Bad Luck Alley. There's  a lot of Buildings in here for us to hide. We stopped at Jack's shop to set up a plan. The Germans are following us here so we might needed to be ready for them. I quickly place a Map of Beacontown on a table in Jack's shop. F!Jesse and Ivor stood besides me

     Our group is consisted of only  23 Militants in total while the Germans had 5000 regular troops on the way here. it's impossible for us to fight them in the open field so we'll think of another way to beat em' off. Then i looked around the Bad Luck Alley. It was filled with Buildings and Bushes for covers. Now i got a plan. We're going Guerilla just like ,We're going to ambush them just like what the British told us about. The fate of the Second-Line defense rest in our hands now because Bad Luck Alley is in between the Front Line and the 3rd defensive line

"Okay everyone listen up!" I called everyone, everyone turned their attention to me "the Germans will be coming here soon. They're going to reach the 2nd Line of Defense by crossing this Alley. So, we need to be ready for them" i said. They all nodded in understanding

"Okay, the Germans will come from the main entrance of the Alley. i want five people stationed at that inn" i said while pointing at an empty inn "then another five people stationed st that flower shop" i continued while pointing at an abandoned flower shop "another five people stationed in that Smithy over there!" i said while pointing at a wrecked Smithy. Man that smithy must have been gotten blown up by those German Hovercrafts "and five People at that Three-Story house" i said while pointing at a Three-Story house "F!Jesse, Ivor, and I will be here! Once they arrived, Wait for our signal to fire, Okay? Good now let's go!" I said while clapping my hands for everyone to go to their positions. They all nodded as they went to their positions while me F!Jesse and Ivor stayed here setting our own defensive position

"Well, let's get ready guys! We're gonna ambush em'! Let em' shocked by our surprises" I told F!Jesse and Ivor

"Ohhh, goodie! Guerilla Tactic! Just like Ninja's Stealth Tactic" Ivor exclaimed. F!Jesse giggled as we began setting up the 'Surprise' for the Germans to 'Enjoy' and i hope they're 'delightful' with our 'Menu'. Heh, Get it?

(Some times Later)

     We finally finished setting up Ambush for the Germans. Lukas Gathered all of his Poisonous Arrows that he has and placed Auto-Bows on each side of the shop, F!Jesse placed tripwire traps, and Ivor finished brewing up some potions and some smoke bombs

"Okay we're done, We just need to wait for t-" Before i could continue, i heard a sounds of Mechanical Machinees roaring and Stompings. That's the Germans Forces. They're here

"They're here! On your Positions!" I whispered to F!Jesse and Ivor as they nodded as F!Jesse grabbed her Rifle and went to the shop's window, Ivor gone hiding somewhere ready to throw those potions of Harms and Poisons, and i grabbed my Rifle and got onto my position behind the windows of the shop. I looked at the other buildings where the others are. They're prepared. They were hiding behind the windows, Building's Second floor, and covering behind the bushes. Now, we just need to wait for Ivor to throw all of those potions

     I positioned myself behind the window and aimed straight at the Squad Leader who's wearing different uniform from the other Germans holding a Handgun. I glanced at F!Jesse. She looked focus on the enemy until she realized that i have been glancing at her as she glanced back at me. I nodded at her, she nodded back. This better work if not, the Germans Will be able to break through to the 2nd defense line quickly

"Voraus! Rennen an die Front!" The squad leader said as they marched through the Alley but didn't notice our presence here

     I looked around to search for Ivor and then i Saw him, He's hanging onto a nearby tree branch holding five Potions in one hand. He glanced at me. I nodded at him. He nodded back. Then he threw five splash potions at the Germans. Poisoned several of them and injured some of them. Shocked and Sruprised, they panicked but still keep their cool

"Hinterhalt! In Deckung gehen! Töte diesen Abschaum!" The Squad Leader shouted to his troops aa they scattered to take cover from our ambush or trying to find the ambush. Okay, now's our chance

"Open Fire!" I shouted as i fired at the Germans followed by F!Jesse and the other. Meanwhile, Ivor fired his MG that has been set on the tree he positioned on at the German Forces. The Germans tried to find covers to hide from our gunshots. They even returned fire at us as soon as they spotted us

"Don't let them pass through the Alley!" I shouted to the others. The German fired back at us but barely killed even one of us. Then a German Crab-Tank entered the Alley followed by 4 other Crab-Tank entering the Alley. The Germans are still firing but missed all their shots instead several of them got killed by my Group. Bullet after bullet, we killed several of them as they turned into their inventory loot. The Germans fired back with their tanks, violently destroying the buildings in the alley. The Squad leader then shot three of our troops dead with his gun at the Flower Shop and a Tank destroyed a Workshop where some of our Militias are. Okay, this is bad. We're losing troops gradually

"Lukas! More Tanks are entering the Alley's entrance!" F!Jesse warned pointing at the entrance where there's about 10 or 20 German Tanks moving inside the Alley

"Vergiss sie! Sie haben unseren Fortschritt nur verlangsamt! Nach vorne!" The German squad leader yelled as he pointed to the exit of the Bad Luck Alley. What i think is he's telling his men to ignore us and advance through to the Alley's exit. Then just like i thought the Germans began to ignore us but still fired back at us while under our gunshot. Oh no, this is not good

"Everyone! The Germans are running away! Don't let them escape!" I shouted as i hear several replies from The other buildings. I looked back at Ivor. He pulled out three potions with weird liquids inside the bottle. The Liquid color is... I couldn't tell but it looks like a combination of Blue, Red, and Green. He then opened the bottle and drank it. Then after he drank it, his eyes turned blue, his body turned black, and from both his arms appeared two long green blades

"Okay, Nazis! It's time for Fury Ninja!" Ivor yelled as he leaped off from the tree and charged and attacked the enemy fiercely multi-handedly . He slashes the enemy one by one but there's no way he could beat them all. I mean Ivor is just one guy and the Germans are numbered way too many for a single person to handle. So i Made a decision: Joining in the fight. I turned to F!Jesse who's still firing the enemy

"Jessie!" I called her. She stopped shooting as looked at me "We need to help Ivor! He couldn't beat them all by himself!" I told at her. She looked back at the Window and then looked at me again

"You're right! Let's go!"she shouted back. Then we leapt off from the window and pulled our guns and sword as we joined Ivor in pushing the Germans back. Then, the rest of our troops leaped off from where they are as they joined us pushing back the Germans. We pushed them back all the way back to the entrance with everything we have. Even the Tanks backed away from our sudden charge. Then one of the Tank is aiming its turret at us. I pulled out a TNT and lit it up. Then i thrown it at the Tank and then *KABOOM* the Tank exploded quickly

"Charge!" I shouted as we let out war cries and continued to push back the Germans until the Germans are out of the Bad Luck Alley. That's why the people called this alley 'Bad Luck Alley' because it will cause disaster to anyone who threatened Beacontown and its people