Chapter 19: Centurions! At Your Service!

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{Conrad's POV}

I found myself waking up in my command tend. I quickly got up and dressed from my sleepwear into my uniform, a standard British Army Officer Uniform since the Great Second World War. After that, i grabbed my Army lack beret and wear it on my head

I head outside the tent to find my Men along with Gorzia's having breakfast while enjoying each others company. I spotted one of the soldiers who's cooking chicken soup in a cooking pot. He grabbed a bowl and poured a portion of the soup to a bowl and handed it to me along with a spoon. He also gave me a cup of black tea. At the same time, I heard my stomach grumbled which means i'm hungry

"Here you go, sir! Figured out you're hungry" He said, offering the soup and tea. I gladly took the soup from him with a smile

"Thanks, lad. Perfect timing for soup" I thanked him as i sat on a chair near my tent and began eating my breakfast. Right now, We are still in Beacontown. Our Intel from MI9 said that those bloody Jerries will launch another offensive against this town in three days. I hope Jesse's people are prepared against this offensive. Because, this is when things got real with Karl sending everything he got against us: Infantries, Panzers, Hovercrafts, everything

"Sir!" I heard someone called me. It was my Intel Officer, Corporal Collins Jericho. He's actually an Americans who moved to England with his Family. He joined the British Sky Scouts during The Blitz in 1940. He's really smart on gathering informations and liaison. Ever since his parents died during the war against the Axis, He stays with my daughter Elise. They were betrothed until now. I'm glad that i will be having such an amazing future son-in-law and husband to my daughter

"Ah, lad!" I greeted, putting down my soup and tea on the ground besides me "Morning! how are you, boy? "

"I'm fine, sir. Just like everyday" He replied while holding a Tablet

"So, is there anything you wanted to tell to me, boy?" I asked him as I got up to stand, waiting for him to answer

"Yes, sir. Director Geoffrey and his Industrial company had just finished the improvement of Centurion Tank" He said proudly as he opened the Tablet and showed me the Tank. It was like the old Mk.4 Centurion, but it looks deadlier with two Missile launchers (MILAN and Blowpipe) and Gatling Guns on the Tank hull and on the Turret

Ah yes of course, the Centurion Mk.V, Our new Super Main Battle Tank that has been designed for a long long time ago by Geoffrey's Military Industry. It had stronger armor than the old Tiger II and has powerful cannons that replaced 17 Pounder Gun which is the 30 Pounder Gun. Geoffrey's company had just finished 200 of this Incredible Tank and it operates very well

"Oh its finally done huh? Well, We can now match our tanks against those Tiger Crab Panzer! I bet Geoffrey's Company makes 200 of them" i said

Collins nodded in agreement "That's right sir! 200 Modernized Advanced Centurions for the British Army. It operates very well and strong enough to pierce Tiger Crab Panzer and Modernized Carro Armatto P40" Collins said. Then he widened his eyes and smiled "oh, yes! I have another good news, sir!"

"What is it?" I asked, raising my eyebrow

Collins exhales and said "Mr.Geoffrey said that he will send twenty of them to Beacontown!"

"Jolly good! When are those Tanks will be here?" I asked him, Eager to know when those Tanks will be arriving in this Town

"Well, it should be-" he was cut off by the sound of twenty RAF Transport Supermarine Condor Cargo Planes. i looked at the sky as those Planes dropped 20 huge Crates as huge as a Tank