Beck and I sat together, and she noticed that I wasn't doing well. She held my hand during takeoff, made sure I was staying hydrated, and even put my hair up for me while I got sick. She made the rest of the flight tolerable and put my fear at ease. We have only known each other for a few days, but if you were to see us together, you'd think we've been best friends for years. 

"Attention, passengers. We'll be landing at LAX in about five minutes."

"Oh, thank god," breathes Justin. "My butt's numb!"

"You did great, Audaire. Are you feeling okay?" 

"I am. Thanks, Beck. For everything."

She smiles as she takes my hand in hers again. "The landing might be bumpy. But don't worry. I got you."

Beck was right. It was pretty rough, but she never let go of me. 

Following the landing and getting our things at baggage claim, Addie orders us an Uber to the hotel. A thirty-minute ride later and we're in our rooms. The four of us crash on the luxurious beds with relief. 

"Sorry, Justin, but I'm not showering tonight," proclaims Addie. "You have to deal with my stink."

"It's cool because I'm not showering either."

"You guys are gross," Beck laughs. "Looks like I get first dibs on the hot water then. Unless you wanna go first, Audaire."

"Nah, go ahead. I showered before we left."

She nods, takes her toiletries from her suitcase, and heads into the bathroom. I pull out my phone to send a text in the Bangtan group chat.

We made it to the hotel. Have you guys landed yet?

Joon: Yes, we're on our way to the hotel now.

Jungkook: Can you come see us when we get there, Noona?

Yeah, I should be able to sneak out. Justin and Addie are asleep already. I'm sure Beck will go to bed after her shower. Whose room?

Jin: Hyung lines. Room 1201.

Okie dokie!

I scroll on Twitter for a while, waiting for Beck to finish and go to sleep so that I can leave. Twenty minutes later, she emerges from the restroom. She sits down next to me, her hair still wrapped in a towel turban.

"Which side do you want?" asks Beck, referring to the mattress.

"It doesn't matter to me. What about you?"

"You can take the window side, so if a kidnapper comes in through there, they'll take you."

"Beck, we're on the eleventh floor," I giggle.

She shrugs. "You never know."

I shake my head at her silly remark. "I'm going out for a smoke."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"You go on to bed. I'll be quiet when I'm done."

After telling her goodnight, I make it to the twelfth floor and to room 1201 like Seokjin had told me. I knock on the door and hear feet shuffling across the carpet. It opens to Taehyung's beautiful face.

"Audaire, you're here!" he beams, his boxy grin making an appearance. 

"Hi, Tae! Is everyone here?"

Taehyung waves me inside. "Yeah!"

I enter and plop on the floor adjacent to Hoseok. Their room is messy despite having just arrived. It's an organized mess, but a mess regardless. I shouldn't judge though. I'm sure my hotel room will look like this tomorrow. 

I glance over to the desk where Yoongi has already set up his music equipment. He truly never stops working.

"How was your flight?" Jimin wonders, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Awful in the beginning, but it got better."

"I'm sorry we couldn't be there with you," Seokjin apologizes.

"Don't be sorry. You guys needed to keep us and yourselves safe. Beck took good care of me anyway. I was fine. How was yours?"

"Boring!" exclaims Taehyung.

"You slept the whole time," Jungkook snorts.

"Because I was bored. Duh."

"I don't mean to be rude," begins Yoongi, redirecting the conversation, "but can you little ones leave? I'm tired."

"Alright, alright. Let's go, little ones. We don't want the old man getting grumpier," I say, shooting Yoongi a smirk in his direction.

I'm about to walk out the door with Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook when someone grips the tail of my shirt, bringing me to a halt. In a low voice, Namjoon comes close to my ear, divulging, "Hobi said you were a bad girl. You're not going anywhere."


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[AN] Edited 4/8/21

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