HighFather: Are you sure ? do not Underestimate the Lord of Apokolips , Dav-Vel, Though he allows armies figth for him, he es a formidable warrior.

Dav-Vel : So am I

HighFather: So be it, I will fulfill the favor you have asked me
HighFatheer raises its Wonder staff.
Portals around the world begin to absorb the parademons to launch them into

Dav-Vel looks at the league and then at Kara.

Dav-Vel : Im sorry.

A portal opens in front of everyone
Dav-Vel enters the portal and closes.

Shazam: That was the guy who was fighting us, the one who beat us up and win , right?

Wonder Woman: It's true, He stopped fighting when he had the advantage, why?

HighFather: Because he knows the truth now .

Superman: The truth? What do you mean.

HigFather: The whole truth, Darkseid erased his childhood memories in krypton to make him a weapon, so that he had no distractions

Superman is surprised

Superman: Is he Kryptonian?

Supergirl: Kal, I'll tell you later, but now we have to help him.

HighFather: No, he needs to do this alone.

Batman: The strongest in the league couldn't beat Darkseid, do you think he can beat him alone?

HighFather: Yes, I do, he showed how capable he is with this fight that he had against you all. Darkseid trained Dav-Vel to be the perfect weapon, the only thing he didn't count on is that all this time he was creating a weapon for himself. His arrogance will always be his devility.

HighFather: For now we just have to wait.

Location: Apokolips

Dav-Vel is watching Apokolips from the sky his eyes turn red when he sees a statue of Darkseid.

With his super speed and super strength he destroys the statue making it fall and continues to fly quickly to the palace of Darkseid

Darkseid was watching Apokolios from a window, suddenly he hears a sound is something very fast, the floor begins to shake.

Suddenly the roof of his palace breaks and Dav-Vel appears.
Dav-Vel starts walking towards Darkseid and speaks.

Dav-Vel: You used me.You erased my memory to be your weapon.

Darkseid: So you know, let me ask you something Dav-Vel, did you beat the league of Justice?

Dav-Vel: Yes, I did it and what?

Darkseid: When you were a child I told you that I was going to make you the most powerful man in the universe ,I made a good decision when adopting you and this is how you thank me, you and me, Dav-Vel could dominate the universe as father and son.

Darkseid offers his hand to Dav-Vel

Darkaeid:Shake my hand, I'll forget all of this and we'll both rule the universe together .

Dav-Vel: After all the time I grew up on apokolips, everything you put me through and what Highfather told me I realized that you only think of yourself, you don't care about anyone, you think everyone is manipulable, even me, but I won't let myself be controlled again, never again.

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